About creating an App

Create something new is really hard. I want to share with you my journey to create a mobile app.

David Tiago Conceição
David Developer


I have been developing mobile apps for a while now. Some of those went public, some are private and some never got done. The problem is that none of those is totally mine. I always worked to somebody, as a regular employee of some company or as a freelancer working for someone. That makes some things easier. I can just split everything: decisions, risks, chances and, of course, success. Despite of enjoy that, it’s time to do something new. It’s time to create my own app. In the next weeks, I will try to share a bit everything I learn during the proccess. With a bit luck, a nice Android app will be public.

Saying that create something new is hard is a no brain to me. Mobile app stores are full with stuff of all kind. Being those stuff of good quality or not, they are there, done and public. So, to achieve some success in this ocean of apps, a good effort is needed. I say that because I’ve tried before. Not long ago I tried to do a brand new app, for some market niche I believe it was not filled (it is not so far, I think). But that didn’t worked at all. The development project got lost in a wave of procrastination and unpredicted problems. For that reason, this time it will be different. I want to share everything. Somehow, that is going to create a bit more of commitment, once I not alone in this journey. The point here is much more about learning and sharing, despite of all those “I”s that you can see. I will do my best to create a successful app, but that’s not the final goal. The goal is to learn during every step and, of course, to share all that learning. For that reason, there will be a lot of words here, in this blog.

The initial texts are going to be about gathering data, getting an insight, and planning. I will have some interface and user experience analysis and planning, with some words about that. After all these, there will be a lot of technical texts, I guess. That’s because any app requires a good technical environment and a lot of development. As I said, I will try to share that with you too. As I the app gets close to readiness and goes public, the texts will be about publishing on Play Store and getting insight from that.

As anybody can easily see, there is no concrete planning. All the project is going to happen one step at time. I have some schedules and deadlines in my head, but that doesn’t mean I have milestones or detailed planning. As stuff gets done and I have new things to share, new texts will be published and you will get in touch. That said, its time to finish this one and say: see you soon, with the first text about what I am doing.



David Tiago Conceição
David Developer

Android Application Engineer @ Involves; Admin @ Android Dev Br; Organizer @ GDG Floripa www.androiddevbr.org