Add Stable Coroutines to Android-Kotlin Project

We will see, how can we add the latest stable version of Coroutines to Android project.

Rohit Surwase
2 min readOct 17, 2018


This article is a part of “Android Kotlin Coroutines: Basic Terminologies & Usage” article.

Updated (30 Oct 2018) for stable Kotlin plugin v1.3.
Note: Now onward, this post will not be updated unless required. So, it would be better if you add required dependencies from the official doc:

Here we are going see the steps involved in adding the stable version of Coroutines included in Kotlin v1.3.

Android Studio:
Step 1.
Go to Tools → Kotlin → Configure Kotlin Plugin Updates, select “Stable” in the Update channel drop-down list, and then click Check for updates.

Step 2. Add following lines to your project level build.gradle
(As EAPs are not public we need to add private URL)

Step 3. Add following lines to your app/module level build.gradle
We are adding coroutines-core along with coroutines-android.

Now, sync your project with gradle files and you are ready use the latest Coroutines.

Thanks for reading!
Rohit Surwase

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Rohit Surwase

Techie by Birth. Writer by Hobby. Observer by Nature. Unpredictable by Character. Android Developer (Google Certified) by Profession.