Android: Changing app theme at runtime

Ali Muzaffar
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2015


Every so often, I see a question posted on StackOverflow which is effectively asks how to change the themes of an app at runtime. The use case is often that there is a setting, button or check box which can switch between different colour themes or between something like day and night mode.

Every time such a requirement comes up, the first thing a quick Google search shows is that it’s not possible to change themes at runtime. That being said, it is possible to change the theme of an Activity, however only in the`onCreate` method and only before `super` is called.

This is problematic because it’s hard to provide a seamless experience to the user if you have to restart the app or Activity in order to change the theme. So our second option is to recursively loop through all of our views and set their attributes each time an Activity or Fragment is created. This way, when the theme is changed, you can loop through all the Views again and change the attributes to reflect the new theme. Neither of these options is ideal, you may even want to consider a hybrid of these two approaches. I've provided an example implementation of each of these methods below.

Changing the theme at runtime

As mentioned before, it’s only possible to change the theme of an Activity in the `onCreate` method and that to only before `super` has been called. Changing the theme is fairly straight forward, something like below should do it:

setTheme(darkTheme ? :;

This is pretty straight forward, however this works when an activity is first created and has no effect on the current open Activity or any backgrounded Activities. In order to affect change on the current Activity, we’ll have save the state of the current Activity and relaunch the activity, in order to make this experience seamless for the user, you have 2 options, either remove all transition animations for Activities or change them to provide a nice fade in effect. The result of this approach is shown in the video below.

As you can see, the approach produces a pretty nice result. If you don’t want a fade in effect, remove all animations for Activity transition and you should have a sudden change.

The code to achieve this is in my gist “Transition themes”.

Possible issues

  1. In order to achieve theme change in this manner, you have to make sure that all your View inherit attributes that matter from the theme and do not in-line any attributes that matter like background colour or text colour.
  2. Saving your Activity state and relaunching it may not be as smooth as in my example above. This depends a lot of how heavy your Activity and it’s layouts are. Some elements may need to be reloaded.
  3. Any Activities that are already open in the background will not have the theme change applied to it when you go back to them. The easiest solution to this is to close all the backgrounded Activities, or else, you’ll have to save their state, close them and relaunch them in `onStart` or `onResume`.

Recursively change attributes on all your Views

As much as we hope that the theme can contain all our formatting, we invariably need to override a text colour or background colour in-line in our layout or an in a style attribute and this needs to be changed programmatically. In this scenario, you would likely have to check the appropriate Views or all Views to see if they are consistent with your set theme. If you know which Views are likely to be affected and can check them directly, nothing could be better. If not, you will have to loop through all the View in your layout and check them. The code to do this depends heavily on your project and it’s requirements, however, the skeleton code for checking all your Views be something like this:

public void recursiveLoopChildren(ViewGroup parent) {
for (int i = parent.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
if (child instanceof ViewGroup) {
((ViewGroup) child).setBackgroundColor(darkTheme ?
Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
recursiveLoopChildren((ViewGroup) child);

} else {
if (child instanceof TextView) {
((TextView) child).setTextColor(...);
// ... check other views

Possible issues

  1. Depending on how complex your screens are, your code for checking each View can become quite complex. An alternate solution can be to set the Views theme related attributes when we build our Activity, Fragment or Layout. This will still add to the complexity of your code.
  2. There is a time and performance cost to doing this for each layout.

There is a third option?

You could bundle duplicate layouts for each of your themes where the only difference between each layout is that the style or in-line style related attributes are different. Then in your code, depending on the selected theme you inflate or set the appropriate layout. This approach while very simple, however it has the same issues as the first option.

What I recommend

If this is a requirement for your app, I recommend you research what is possible before you try any of these approaches. If all you want to do is change some text colour and the colour of the Toolbar and tabs, this is possible without having to change the theme. I would take a look at the Design Support Library.

If you are going to do down one of the routes I have talked about above, I would recommend not getting too attached to any one approach and to combine all three approaches above. Find the best fit for your particular situation.

Also, if you’re going to need to change the colour of your drawable assets, my article on how to change the colour of drawable assets may help.

Do you know a better way of doing this?

I'm honestly asking the readers, if there are any out there, to chime in and tell me if there is a better way to handle runtime theme changes. It’s a topic I have researched and Google’d, however, I'm just not happy with what I've found so far. If you have a better approach or some advice on the matter, I’d love to hear it.

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Ali Muzaffar

A software engineer, an Android, and a ray of hope for your darkest code. Residing in Sydney.