Fastest Image Blur in Android Using Fresco.

Youbaraj POUDEL
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2017


Blurring image helps to reveal colors by hiding shapes and shadows on images,Some of the major advantages of using blur image are:

i. hiding boring shapes that have interesting colors in image.

ii.hiding unwanted details on interesting shapes.

We can do image blur in different ways, but Fresco and Picasso android library have provided really awesome blur effect on Images in simplest and easiest way.

What is Fresco Library in android?

  • Fresco is a powerful library for displaying images in Android, supporting applications all the way back to GingerBread (API 9). It downloads and caches remote images in a memory efficient manner, using a special region of non-garbage collected memory on Android called ashmem.
  • For more…
  • Lets get started!!!
  • Step 1:Create Android Project and add fresco library dependency on build.gradle of module and sync project.
dependencies {
compile 'jp.wasabeef:fresco-processors:2.1.0'
  • Step 2:Initialize fresco inside your onCreate() method of
protected void
onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//initialize fresco

  • Step 3: Inside your activity_main.xml add SimpleDraweeView…

