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šŸš€ Beginnerā€™s Guide to Bottom Navigation with Android Jetpack ā€” Part 1

A step-by-step guide for beginners on how to create Bottom Navigation using Android Jetpack Navigation

Wajahat Karim


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Originally published at

After introduction of Fragments in Android Honeycomb, it became obvious to use more Fragments in preference to Activities to make apps lighter and faster. Google also started recommending single activity architecture. But implementing it has been a real pain-point for developers. The major cause of this is the Fragments and its transactions overhead. Its very hard to learn, debug, and deal with whole mess of IllegalStateException of Fragments.

Finally Google heard its developers and introduced Android Jetpack. Its a suite of libraries and tools to help developers in making high-quality scalable apps easier and faster. It provides solutions to lots of problems such as architecture guidelines, background tasks scheduling, and of course the Navigation.

Android Jetpack Suite of Tools ā€” Image Credits:

šŸ‘Œ Jetpack Navigation



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