Hello Apollo Writing Your First Android App With GraphQL

Pranay Airan
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2017

If you are a mobile developer, you understand the importance of faster API and faster apps. Especially in countries where data is costly, it becomes important to get only required data.

But API’s are designed for multiple clients each with different requirements and more often you will find that those API’s are not optimized for mobile apps. That is where newer technologies like GraphQL can help.

GraphQL is a query language for you API, that gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more. If you have not read about GraphQL explore more at http://graphql.org/.

GraphQL on Android

Let’s explore how we can consume GraphQL API’s on Android. Although there are multiple client libraries for the web, so far there is only 1 GraphQL client for Android Apollo.

Apollo Android is an awesome GraphQL client that makes consuming GraphQL API easy. It has 2 main components

  • Apollo Codegen, this component is a gradle plugin to generate code like ButterKnife, apollo codegen generates Java models from standard graphql queries at compile time.
  • Networking/Caching, the other component of Apollo android is the networking and caching piece, this takes care of all the network communication with your GraphQL API, parsing the response to correct model, enabling you to pass dynamic data to your GraphQL queries and response caching.

Hello World

Now we know what is GraphQL and how Apollo Android works let’s see how we can integrate apollo in our android app.

Create an empty android project if you don’t already have one. Now in your project level build.gradle file add this line

classpath 'com.apollographql.apollo:gradle-plugin:0.3.2'

this should be placed after com.android.tools. Now open your app’s build.gradle and add this line on top

apply plugin: 'com.apollographql.android'

this should go below com.android.application, if you want to use apollo for your Kotlin project, add apollo plugin before you kotlin plugin. With this 2 dependencies, we added apollo in our app.


Apollo takes your graphql queries, takes the schema and generate Java classes from it. Let’s explore how it works

  • Create a folder under src/main on the same level as your java/res folder. You can name the folder anything, but I name it graphql.
  • Add your schema.json file to this folder. Schema.json if the file that describes your GraphQL API, all fields, input arguments etc. Sample schema file here
  • Add your GraphQL query file with a .graphql extension in the same folder, this queries will be then used by apollo codegen to generate the data model for the response. Sample GraphQL files here

After adding your schema and .graphql files, rebuild the project. Apollo will parse the queries and schema and generate code for you. Once your build is complete, you can explore the generated files by going to app/build/generated/source/apollo folder.

Wiring up

Now we have the apollo dependencies added and codegen working, let’s wire up everything and make our first GraphQL network call.

For this sample app, we will be consuming a sample GraphQL API of GitHub https://githunt-api.herokuapp.com/graphql

Apollo uses OkHTTP as its networking client, if you are already familiar with OkHttp you know we can use OkHTTP to add any headers and interceptors.

Add all require headers for your api in okhttp client

OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()

If you want to enable caching, apollo comes with 3 level of cache, read more about caching here https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-android. If you decide to use caching you will need to add the following dependency.

compile "com.apollographql.apollo:apollo-android-support:0.3.2"

Now we have the OkHttp Client and Cache, we can construct the Apollo client object.

apolloClient = ApolloClient.builder()
.normalizedCache(normalizedCacheFactory, cacheKeyResolver)

Cache part is optional, Once apollo client is build, you can use the same client for all your network request.

First GraphQL Request

In our sample app apollo generated FeedQuery class from our sample .graphql file. We will use this class to make the network call, using our newly created apolloClient object.

Build query passing all the parameters

FeedQuery feedQuery = FeedQuery.builder()

Limit and Type are dynamic parameters in our graphQL queries, apollo automatically create setters for those parameters enabling us to pass the values from our Java code.

Create ApolloCall.

ApolloCall<FeedQuery.Data> githuntFeedCall = apolloClient

Apollo supports both normal callback and RxJava. Sample app will have 2 API 1 consumed via a normal callback and 1 via RxJava. For the article let’s see how the callback method works.

githuntFeedCall.enqueue(new ApolloCall.Callback<FeedQuery.Data>() {
public void onResponse(@Nonnull Response<FeedQuery.Data> response) {
FeedQuery.Data data = response.data();

public void onFailure(@Nonnull ApolloException e) {


To use the normal callback method, all you need to do is call enqueue with a callback, similar style as retrofit.

That’s it, you have successfully consumed your first GraphQL API in your android app.

GraphQL is powerful and a great alternative to REST based API. If you are dealing with complex API and if it supports GraphQL you can simplify your app by switching to GraphQL.

You can find a complete working sample app here https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-android/tree/master/apollo-sample. But apollo sample app adds all project level dependencies and doesn’t work properly (PR in progress).

So I modified the sample app and removed all the project level dependencies, a fully working app with apollo and GraphQL can be found here https://github.com/pranayairan/HelloApolloAndroid

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Pranay Airan

Mobile Engineer @Intuit QuickBooks, Android Lover, Tea Addict, Loves everything Tech, Blogworm, Teach Android, Help GDG Blrdroid.