How to quickly transfer files from your PC to Android smartphone!

Junaid Naseer
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2015


We live in a world where information is key.

And these devices around us; laptops, smartphones and tablets are the tools to reach out to that information.

As the information is digital, there comes a time when we need to transfer some of it from one device to another. Particularly from a laptop to a smartphone, as the latter is more mobile friendly and private.

Yes, there are many ways by which you can transfer files from your PC to Android smartphone and vice versa, but they are all convoluted and frustratingly confusing.

I write about it now because something similar happened to me a few days back when I had to transfer some images from my Chromebook to my smartphone. The geek that I’m, I wanted to be completely wireless in the matter, so what did I do?

First, I tried the more conventional way and thought of transferring via firing up the Whatsapp on the web, immediately realizing that it would destroy the image quality, I recoiled.

Then I decided to do the clever thing, I opened up the Google Photos on the web and tried uploading the pictures so I could download them on my mobile device from the Google Photos app, once they are uploaded. Turns out, first uploading from your PC and then downloading to your device takes an excruciatingly long time if your Wifi speed is modest with torrents downloading and 5 other devices connected to it.

It was then, that I was hit with an epiphany! Why not upload the photos directly to the Google Drive and then download them to my device?? Wow! Genius I thought!! And then, milliseconds later… No!! Deja Vu I felt!! Realizing that I had just done the same thing with Google Photos half hour ago and how it made me go nuts, I wanted to pull my hair out!

I had had enough, I decided to solve the problem and so I hit the internet search with all might. Five minutes later I stumbled upon an app that was a godsend.

I had found Portal!

No, not a portal to the future, but the portal where you can speedily dispatch your files, even folders, from your PC to your smartphone. And the speed at which the files transfer, is incredible. Though the transfer takes place on your home Wifi connection, still it felt astoundingly faster than I have ever seen my Wifi work.

Here is how you can use the Portal

First, you need to download the app from the Play Store. Then you have to launch the website on your computer Yeah, it’s made by the same team that created Pushbullet, another fantastic app.

Anyways, once you have the app on your device and website open in your web browser, open the app, it will prompt you to scan the barcode you see on the website. Hit the scan button on your smartphone and scan the barcode shown on the website.

That’s it! You are connected. Now send files, multiple files if you like and even folders from your Chrome browser. You can simply drag and drop them as well.

Once the files are transferred; images are saved to your gallery and music files in the music folder on your device. By the way, you can also toggle these options on or off from the settings of the app.

On Android Lollipop, you also get the added ability of saving your files directly to the SD card.

So there you have it folks, if you had the same experience as myself, you have the solution now. It’s the simplest, easiest and quickest way to transfer files from your PC to Android smartphone. Now go give it a try.

Download Portal.

Originally published at on July 13, 2015.

