How we re-engineered SignEasy for Android (and got featured by Google)

2 min readFeb 10, 2016


(This is an excerpt from the blog post which was originally published on SignEasy blog. Read the complete piece here)

How do I get my app featured on Google Play Store?

It’s that one question every Android developer would have Googled (and not found an answer to).

At SignEasy, while the whole team rejoiced over the accolades that Apple generously bestowed upon us time and again, there was always a sense of longing for the Google Play Store feature.

How to get that ultimate recognition for our app, that seal of approval by Google itself, was a question that kept us awake many a nights, until this happened.

23rd December 2015: SignEasy added this long eluding feather in her cap and was featured in the ‘New and Updated apps’ category of the Play Store.

And not long after, one fine morning, we woke up to the cherry on this delicious cake that we were still relishing.

SignEasy was featured by Google Play Store on its home-screen.

Wondering how we got noticed by Google in the sea of over 1.6 million apps? Here is our story.




The simplest and fastest way for businesses and individuals to get documents signed from mobile phones, tablets and web.