If you like Material design then try to materialize smth!

\n Malyshev Yegor \n
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2016

I know that right now we live in a very progressive world where we have an internet access everywhere but it’s not a solution for many cases and we want to use apps in offline mode as much as possible.

I discover an app that can read some kind of wiki dictionaries (articles) without internet and it’s really cool when you want to find some interesting explanation about some word (phrase) and don’t use any connection to do it. Especially it’s a problem for my country (Belarus, oh boy …).

That’s why I decided to Materialize the following app Aard2. Just for fun (: Maybe it’s annoying some time to see all apps with some kinda the same design but it’s not bad as you think (IMO).

I want to present you LexisPaper! Meow!

In short I just reimplemented, refactored and redesigned some stuff to make it better. What does it contain?


Enjoy! (´・ω・`)



\n Malyshev Yegor \n

Malyshev Yegor aka brainal · Absorbed Android Developer @ Google · Kotlin lover · Sport Programming · Algorithms · Programming · Android · J`world