Keddit — Final Part: Conclusion and thanks!

Juan Ignacio Saravia
Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2016


Final Part: Conclusion and thanks!

And here we are at the end of this path and I have to say that I’m really really happy with this experience of writing technical stories. This was the first time to publish something openly and for sure it’s not going to be the last one as it’s incredible how much I learnt from this. But this great experience is because there are people (really good people) who takes the time to read your articles, post comments and suggest improvements, and thanks to them I was able to learn more about this topic, so:

I really want to thanks all of you who takes the time to help me and allow me to learn new things from you! I really appreciate it!

Please sorry for my typos :( english is not my native language but I tried to do my best to make those stories understandable and a way to continue learning English as I love it! Also, I receive great feedback from a lot of people suggesting me better ways to say something or fix some typos and this was invaluable for me, so thanks for this too!

Also I want to thanks Gaston Daniel Festa (awesome dev and person, that taught me the Delegate Adapters concept which allows me to write this article but more grateful to work and learn from him), Fiore Bagatello and Antonio Leiva, people who inspire me to write these articles and encourage me not to be afraid of my possible mistakes and be open to receive comments and feedback. Many thanks!!!

About Kotlin Language

I really love Kotlin! and for me is the future of Java (today) but this is just my opinion :)

In Spanish we have an expression that said “don’t marry any language” (“no te cases con ningún lenguaje”), which means don’t think that only one language is the best in the world and the others are not so good (or bad). I like this expression because in my experience it was totally true. I worked with different languages like C#, Javascript (client and server side), C++, Python, Java and others that I just tasted, and the existence of those languages bring a new way to think, bring evolution to our current way to work with computers. So my advice is not to marry any language and try to take the best of them.

I also really enjoy creating Android Apps and to have a language like Kotlin is fantastic! I already started to learn a little bit about iOS with Swift, for me it was really easy to learn Swift as it’s really similar to Kotlin (the syntax is almost equal! see this article) and for sure this kind of syntax are here to stay.

My general impression about Kotlin is great! you will see that onces you start writing Kotlin code, it’s really weird to go back to Java. In my case I have to do it because in my current job there is no project using it :( but I hope to convince someone to start using it :D


I would like to share with you different channels where the Keddit Series was published. For me is an honor to appear in these incredible channels and again I want to thanks them to trust in me and share my articles:

Official Kotlin Blog

The Keddit Series was published in the Official Kotlin Blog at the beginning of this year. At that time it only had 6 parts available.

Here you have the link (see at the end “Kotlin Series section”)

Android Weekly

Android Weekly is an excellent newsletter! I really encourage you to subscribe it as you are going to receive great articles and the latests news about Android (and Kotlin). I want to thanks them for sharing my posts:


Korean version of the Android Weekly:

Android Dev Digest

Android Dev Digest is another great newsletter! Also the Keddit Series was published in this channel:


I want to thanks Michael Pehel who encourage me to publish in the official AnDevCon blog, thanks man!

Others Resources

Here you will find a curated source of knowledge about Kotlin:


This was really a surprise to me! Some articles were translated to different languages. Thanks guys for doing such an incredible work translating my weird english (LOL) and making it available in other languages:

Many Thanks and keep in touch!


