My Android development book for beginners is free on Amazon until Sunday

And if you like swearing, anus jokes and XML, you’d be mad to miss it

Antonis Tsagaris
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2018


I’m going to keep this one short: since most people on Medium have followed me because of my Android-related ramblings, I think that I owed you this.

My book ‘Android Development for Gifted Primates: A Beginner’s Guide’ is out on Amazon and it has already gained the #1 New Release badge.

Normally, the book costs $3.99 (it used to be $20 on Gumroad, so that was already a pretty sweet deal) but it will be free until the 5th on August, 2018 — in ‘right now’ terms, until Sunday.

To get it for the amazing price of zero dot zero, go to the following link

Do it now, because when you delay, life gets in the way sometimes. For example, you could get a really bad case of explosive diarrhea in the next ten minutes and forget all about the book. And then you’ll go mad with regret and have to be $3.99 out of pocket to get something that you could have gotten for free.

Enjoy. If you like the book, please consider leaving a review. I would really, really appreciate it.



Antonis Tsagaris

Founder @ Looxie ( Android developer for, author of Android Development for Gifted Primates