šŸ¤” What do I think about Google Stadia? šŸŽ®

Mukesh Solanki
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2019
Is it just me or does look like a cheap rip off at the Superman emblem?

Google Stadia for those of you who donā€™t know (probably because you live under a rock) is the latest service offered by Google. And get this its a gaming service. Thatā€™s right you heard me right itā€™s a gaming service offered by Google.

Right, before we start there is something I need to get off my chest. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOOGLE THINKING NAMING THIS STADIA??? I mean come on Google should have named it something like ā€œGoogle Gamingā€ I mean (GG) get it Google Gaming aka GG. How could they miss this?

Legit me when they announced the name šŸ˜”

Anyways enough ranting. There is nothing we can do at this point. Aside from that Stadia looks like an amazing piece of engineering work. I mean being able to stream games in 4k with high framerates and low latency on devices almost any device is just amazing. One of the reasons why looking forward to the release.

Question Time

1. Titles

Google showcased Assasinā€™s Creed and Doom at their big launch event but I sure a lot more games are going to be coming to the launch party. Not to mention a lot of the big game developers have already joined hands with Google to port their games to the platform. And if Google is able to get a good number of popular games on the release there is no stopping them.

2. Cost and release dates

Google has not yet made it clear on how they are going to make money from the service. Will the users buy each game they want to play? Or Will they be Free? or Will the users will be paying monthly subscriptions like the 100 other subscriptions we pay? Google has not given the slightest of a clue on what pricing for Stadia would be. But if I were to take a guess it would most likely be subscription.

As for the release, well Google managed to be as unclear as possible on that as well. I mean they just put a slide saying release 2019. What does that even mean?

3. What about my existing games?

So I have a couple of games on steam. What would happen to them? Will we be able to stream them or move them to the Google library somehow? Or will I have to buy them again from Google? This something to think about since I have been buying games on steam from like ever.

4. Multiplayer

This is something that Iā€™m really looking forward to the ability that a viewer can join their favourite streamer play in a single click is just an amazing thing to have. Especially for trolls. A lot of streamers are definitely going to get trolled. But jokes apart the easy of this feature is so awesome. I just can wait to try it out.

All in all except the name everything that Google is talking about sounds amazing and awesome. If Google wants to pull this off they will need to make sure they have enough titles for the users try out and at the same time make sure their service is spot on. I really hope they don't put out something half baked.



Mukesh Solanki

Converts coffee to code! Writes about software development, automation, android. Connect with me on https://www.mukeshsolanki.com