Kotlin254 Weekly #4

Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2022

What two weeks it has been for all our droids, from android254 taking the stage at droidconBerlin to Jack Siro’s emotional speech on mentioning Flutter. Let’s find out what the community has been up to and more …

Android254 taking the Berlin stage

We were happy and excited to see droids showcasing their expertise with amazing talks at droidconBerlin. From Tamre’s compose beyond material, Juma & Harun’s Transforming farmers lives using android to David Odari’s bloated ViewModels giving us great pride and joy. We also shouldn’t forget Sandy Kuria, our youngest droid to take the stage this year, who by now should be familiar with the entire Google London office, hehe. We’re so proud of you guys and what you’ve been able to accomplish!!!

What about us locals? Last weekend was a total blast with our second KMM session.

Michael Bukachi represents the weird people in Testing

Our first speaker referred to as one of the weird people (those watching anime) had a personal talk on testing which was not weird at all. With a unique perspective on how the human species keeps on testing everything, the talk brought across what is testing, why we should test and how to do so in a multi-platform project. But what exactly should we be testing? That’s where the second speaker came along…

Victor Kabata continues to persist

Not to be outdone by the previous generation young Kabata dazzled us with his talk on data persistence showing us the prowess of the upcoming generation of droids. His talk not only covered how to store data locally in a SQL and NoSQL database using sqldelight and realm, but also the power of Kotlin multiplatform with a live demo of the app working on desktop. Damn talk about over-achieving! But what about getting data from a server? We’ve got you covered?

Oliver Muthomi’s want you to Log

The last talk although facing the challenge of two screens not working pulled through with not only presenting how to do network calls and logging but also came with an iOS and Android sample that currently does just that.

Now we can confidently say android254 and kotlinKenya has got us covered in setting up a KMM project, making sure we have the right architecture, injecting our classes, testing if our code is logically accurate, fetching data form the internet and storing it into a local database. What else would you like to learn? There’s a feedback form down below, let us know.

Jack Siro opens up his heart

We can’t mention those awesome sessions without adding Jack’s speech in the mix. After repeated questions about Flutter, Jack made the effort to explain to the masses how sad and unsettling it is to mention the name Flutter in a Kotlin Multi-platform talk, it’s like bringing your ex to a date thinking it’ll be all good. Although there were so many cheers for his silence on Flutter initiative some still wondered why he was so passionate about it…

Android254 & KotlinKenya can’t stop giving

We could say this is the community that keeps on giving. Last week they unveiled the opportunity to do a FirePresentations, a five minute talk/presentation of something you know about Android/Kotlin. If you are afraid of giving a whole 30–45 minute talk this is for you, you can start by giving these presentations as you slowly build up to the others.

With droidconke fast approaching and the excitement continually building up the team has decided to share something exciting with the community. The droidconke mobile app is open source and is currently in active development, we invite you all to come and share in building.

You can find the repository here

Breens new episode with Gaming vibes

If you heard Breen’s last podcast you’ve definitely been in anticipation for the next. Wait no more since it’s already out and it is great. Learn how David Odari got from playing video games to software development and how to escape tutorial purgatory in this age of continuous boot camps. Also, don’t forget to share and subscribe to his YouTube channel for more amazing content.

Building in the Open

The fear of failure and the infamous impostor syndrome cripples most in the development cycle. One way to avoid such traps is building out in the open, whether it is an app idea, library or even your own project. Leverage off the experience of senior developers whether you’re starting out or progressing into a more senior developer. Join Tabasumu’s discussion to learn more.

Feedback from the Masses

Being a community of learners we would love to grow, develop and serve our community better. Having this in mind we’d like to hear from you. Your feedback will help us to make the community better and more engaging. Why don’t you leave your comments in the form below, it’s anonymous wink wink!

Feedback form : here

FirePresentations sign up : here




Mobile Developer @ NLS Tech Solution, Co-organizer @KoltinKenya