KotlinKenya Newsletter #5

Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2022

After a brief hiatus we kickoff the third Monday of September with the KoltinKenya newsletter, picking up where we left off. While developers left their laptops at home taking to the hills seeking rejuvenation and detachment, others have been debugging and compiling code for the masses. So what’s up?

September Meetup

After a brief pause due to instability our amazing team decided to resume our physical meetup last weekend with three great sessions.

Product Pricing

Aside from clean architecture, pricing is one of those controversial topics that plague developers and leads to crazy debates. Anesu Mwakasha demonstrated excellent tips on how to price our products and services considering effort, time and product requirements.

Navigation in Compose

Compose the new kid in the Android world gets older while growing stronger. Brian Mwangi’s session focused on how to navigate in Compose and showcased a brief demo of an app doing the same.

Build Config

What could we not say about the last talk, from ice showcases to a stimulating discussion on app releases. Kibet Theophilus’s session focused on configuring your gradle file to produce either different app flavours or different apps for testing and production. This is especially helpful for those who would like to have different resources for specific apps.

We gave out three premium JetBrains licenses to some of our very competitive members during the meetup and we are giving out even more in October’s meetup and so much more so don’t miss out.

Kotlin Friday Sessions

The Kotlin language has slowly been growing out of its android shell, maturing to a more general purpose language that’s concise, easier to use and developer friendly. Having this in mind the KotlinKenya community brings you awesome sessions on Fridays at 8:00pm to dabble in Kotlin and beyond. So far we’ve had great sessions, from Marco Gomiero’s mobile to backend with Koltin, Oliver Muthomi’s building a realtime chat app with Ktor and my Ktor Routing session which will be uploaded to the KotlinKenya youtube channel, subscribe here for more updates. And we have even more fun stuff planned! This week’s session is by Kagiri Charles as he focuses on Authenticating a ktor backend, so don’t miss it, you can RSVP here. With so much more in store we’d also love to hear what you guys think through the feedback form here.

Droidcon KE

DroidconKE the biggest android and Kotlin conference in Africa is fast approaching. As November is just around the corner, call for speakers is open and we encourage one and all to apply! apply! apply! This is your chance to interact with one of the most robust communities in the whole of Africa so get your ticket now from here. If you’d wish to sponsor the event in any way the team would love to hear from you and you can reach them here. The DroidconKE app is open source and looking for contributors, anyone can learn from the awesome team by contributing here.

Breens With Lackner

Breens never ceases to amaze with his awesome podcast episodes. This time he talks to the incredible green droid Philip Lackner on everything android. You can find episode 3 of TalkingWithDevs here. Be sure to like and share.

That’s it Kotliners and droids. Until next time keep on debugging…




Mobile Developer @ NLS Tech Solution, Co-organizer @KoltinKenya