KotlinKenya Newsletter #7

Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2022

What’s up all you awesome developers out there? After a month filled with intense activity, from the biggest android developer conference in Africa to developers trying out dj-ing, let’s chill and recap a few amazing things that happened this month and some to come.

Droidcon Kenya : The Supreme Success

Finally! with great success, the largest android developer conference in Africa happened. An applause and thanks to the organising committee and for all you awesome attendees.

Were you there though?

Because, there was a great line up of sessions and keynotes which we learnt a lot from both local and international developers. The said sessions covered a wide range of topics and new technologies already making waves in the development industry. Given that 2023 is just around the corner, purpose to attend the next droidcon Kenya conference. It will be much bigger and better with each of you being a part of it. Did you know the early bird tickets are on sale right now? Click here to get yours and don’t miss out on 2023’s drodicon Kenya.

A Gentle Welcome To Android Studio

Have you started out with android development and can’t really figure out what is what with the Android Studio IDE? Daniel Brian wrote a very nice article on the in’s and out’s of android studio which can be of great help if you’re starting out. You can read it here!

Mpesa STK Push Library

As a developer in Kenya at one time you will be required to integrate the Mpesa STK push in your mobile app, and we know how hard and tedious it can be sometimes. Fortunately for us this is where this feature library comes in. With the android_stk_librarylibrary you can skip all the configurations and dive directly to testing your payment integration. Why don’t you give it a try here!

Faking Kotlin Classes For Testing

Testing being one of the major backbones of great software success it can quite frustrating to create fakes for each class we’d like to test, but what if that was not the case, what if you could just call a faker function and it generates all the necessary data for your fields? Ronnie Otieno thought of that and started tinkering with it. You can have a look at it here and leave your comment or PR.
This project is still under development.

Lazily Populate A Recyclerview

One of the key aspects of any mobile app is a very long list, and if your app has more than 5 lists of different types you know that calls for a generic adapter (for those who haven’t migrated to compose yet). So how can you abstract the redundancy of creating multiple adapters and focus on how the list looks? We created a library that helps developers focus on the ui other than how adapters should be implemented. You can take a look here and feel free to leave a comment or open a discussion.

2022 Wrap-up

We thank you so much for the awesome support this year, and we’re looking forward to bringing you better in 2023. But we cannot do that without you, the community members. Please fill this feedback form link to help us know how to serve you better.

Thats it folks, this being the last newsletter for the year we’d like to thank you all for your continued support and feedback.

Till next year, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

By MamboBryan & Sheliza Wanjiru




Mobile Developer @ NLS Tech Solution, Co-organizer @KoltinKenya