Android Data Binding: Express Yourself

A Bit More Than Field Access

George Mount
Android Developers
3 min readJul 14, 2016


As discussed in the previous article, you can assign variable values in layout files in Android Studio. In the example, the text for the user’s first name was set with the expression:

The User class was declared as a simple Plain Old Java Object (POJO):

Most of your classes don’t use public fields (I hope), and you’ll have accessors for them. Expressions in the layout should be short and easy to read and we didn’t want developers to have to add all those getFirstName() and getLastName() in their expressions — it makes the expressions less readable. The expression parser automatically tries to find the Java Bean accessor name (getXxx() or isXxx()) for your property. The same expression will work fine when your class has accessor methods:

If it can’t find a method named like getXxx(), it will also look for a method named xxx(), so you can use user.hasFriend to access method hasFriend().

Android Data Binding expression syntax also supports array access using brackets, just like Java:

You can also use the brackets for lists and maps as a shortcut to the “get” methods.

It also allows almost all java language expressions, including method calls, ternary operators, and math operations. But don’t go crazy:

Nobody can read that! And aside from the hard-coded strings, it is going to be hell to maintain. Do yourself a favor and put your complex expressions back into your model so you don’t have to try to unwind what is going on.

Additionally, there is a null-coalescing operator ?? to shorten the simple ternary expressions:

which is essentially the same as:

One really cool thing you can do with binding expressions is use resources:

That can save a bunch of separate value declarations. How many times do you just want to add or subtract dimensions? The only problem is that it doesn’t (yet) work with styles.

You can also use string, quantity, and fraction formatting following the syntax from Resources methods getString, getQuantityString, and getFraction. You just pass the parameters as arguments to the resource:


One very convenient thing is that data binding expressions always check for null values during evaluation. That means that if you have an expression like:

If user is null, user.firstName and user.userName will evaluate to null and the text will be set to null. No NullPointerException.

This doesn’t mean that it is impossible to get a NullPointerException. If, for example, you have an expression:

And your StringUtils had:

You’ll definitely see a NullPointerException when a null is passed to capitalize.


In the example above, the expression to capitalize the name was very long. What we really want is to be able to import types so that they can be used as a shortened expression. You can do that by importing them in the data section:

Now our expression can be simplified to:

What Else?

Expressions are pretty much Java syntax with the few exceptions mentioned above. If you think it will work, it probably will, so just give it a go.

If you have any detailed questions, check out the Binding Syntax section of the Data Binding Guide:

