Capture, edit, play, and share, the Media Developer Center has it all!

The ultimate resource for building high-quality multidevice media experiences

Android Developers
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2023


Posted by Nevin Mital (Developer Relations Engineer, Android Media) and Jan Bultmann (Staff Technical Editor and Content Strategist, Android)

Introducing the Media Developer Center, a new hub for documentation on Android media use cases and the place to find information you need to create best-in-class multidevice apps.

What is the Media Developer Center?

You can use media in many different ways in your apps, across a variety of devices, in a number of formats. The Media Developer Center is a comprehensive resource that includes Google’s recommendations and best practices for working with media to help you navigate the opportunities offered by the Android platform and Jetpack APIs. Learn how to:

  • Get started implementing media use cases
  • Extend your reach to more devices like Large Screens and WearOS
  • Level up your app with premium features like HDR and Spatial Audio, and
  • Optimize for high quality with testing tools and best practices for performance.

The developer center is organized as a one-stop shop that leads with code to help you learn. Find content such as:

  • The latest technical codelabs and samples
  • Inspirational design galleries, and
  • Educational videos and blog posts.

Content in the Media Developer Center exists alongside and augments the already available technical developer guides to provide additional curation of premium features and best practices that will lead to delightful experiences for your users.

Build modern media use cases

If you’re just getting started with media on Android, check out the getting started guides and learn about key use cases covered by the new Jetpack Media3 APIs, such as ExoPlayer for audio and video playback or Transformer for media editing.

As users embrace a multidevice world, Android gives you the tools and resources you need to build delightful media experiences. Whether it’s creating adaptive UI with Jetpack Compose and Jetpack WindowManager to support flexible displays like foldables and flippables, or giving users easy access to their media with Tiles for wearables, or Watch Next for TVs, modern devices require modern solutions!

Take your app from good to better to best

Find recommendations on how to scale your app over time to achieve a best-in-class app.

  • A good app provides users with core, foundational features
  • A better app will look to increase user engagement with holistic improvements
  • A best-in-class app will create seamless multidevice experiences

Of course, users expect apps to be reliable and perform well, so the Media Developer Center dedicates a section to topics on testing, measuring, and optimizing your app to maintain a high quality bar.

Stay tuned!

The Media Developer Center hosts a wide variety of content types so you can find guidance in whichever format you learn best. Whether you’re new to media or you’re experienced in the space, this new hub can help you find the right opportunities at your stage in the developer journey.

You can expect to see more content added to the Media Developer Center over the next several quarters, so check back frequently. We also want to hear from you; let us know in the comments below what topics you would like to see us create content for, and sign up for the Android Developers Forum to join an active community of media app developers!

