From functional Java to functioning Kotlin

Converting @FunctionalInterface to Kotlin

Benjamin Baxter
Android Developers
2 min readDec 1, 2017


Java 8 introduced a new annotation called @FunctionalInterface. It’s purpose is to be able to create an interface with one non-default method so that the interface can simulate functions being first class citizens in an Object Oriented language. For example, Comparable is a @FunctionalInterface with one method, compareTo(T o).

Callbacks are a really common case for functional interfaces. Imaging the following scenario where we want to perform some asynchronous work and return the results back to the client at a later time. In Java, we would have a class that looks like the following:

We use a callback interface that has one method that the client code needs to implement.

While using the Kotlin converter in Android Studio, the converter did not optimize converting the @FunctionalInterface.

The converter created an interface for a one to one conversion, but could this be optimized further? In Kotlin there is a concept called SAM or Single Abstract Method. This is exactly what a @FunctionalInterface is in Java 8 but the section in the docs to not have an example of how to create a SAM, only how to use a SAM.

After converting the interface into a function in the constructor, the boilerplate code around the @FunctionalInterface shank from 96 characters to 38 characters. That’s a reduction of 40%!

When examining the before and after, you can see how the code melts away into syntactic sugar with Kotlin.

The before and after converting Java to Kotlin

If you are converting a project or writing in Kotlin, I would love to hear about what you stumbled upon and learned. If you would like to continue the discussion, leave a comment or talk to me on Twitter.

