Is your app providing a backward compatible edge-to-edge experience?

Yuichi Araki
Android Developers
4 min readJan 17, 2023


“Please make the navigation bar transparent”
— Android users (

We recommend that all apps use an edge-to-edge layout, meaning that it draws behind the system bars to use the entire width and height of the display. This means your app should do all of the following.

  • Signal to the system that the app wants to draw behind the system bars.
    In your Activity’s onCreate:
    WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(window, false)
  • Set the system bar colors to be either transparent or translucent.
    ・ In theme XML: <item name=”android:statusBarColor” tools:targetApi=”21">@android:color/transparent</item>
    ・ In code: window.statusBarColor = transparent.
  • Offset composables or views by the sizes of the system bars.
    ・ Compose: Modifier.safeDrawingPadding(), etc
    ・ View: Use ViewCompat.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener to obtain the insets.

To learn more about how to set up edge-to-edge on the latest Android version, check out “Designing a high quality app with the latest Android features” from Android Developer Summit ‘22.

The edge-to-edge app looks especially good in the gesture navigation mode because it can show more content using the entire screen real estate. When the device is set to the three-button navigation mode, the system automatically applies a translucent scrim to the navigation bar background.

The navigation bar background is transparent or translucent depending on the navigation mode.

API level 29 (Android 10) introduced gesture navigation. Different app developers might make different decisions on how or whether edge-to-edge should be set up for API level 28 and below. Some developers might set up edge-to-edge only API levels 29 and above since the older API levels only had three-button navigation. If you want to set up edge-to-edge in the most backward-compatible manner possible, here’s how.

Let’s start by listing key API levels that introduced features related to edge-to-edge.

API level 19 (Android 4.4 KitKat)

  • The background of system bars can be translucent by the flags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS / _NAVIGATION
    However, it’s a translucent gradient and the appearance is quite different from that on later versions.

API level 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop)

  • The background of system bars can be translucent by the flags
    Now, the color is simply translucent.
  • The background of the status bar can be set to transparent (or translucent) by Window.setStatusBarColor.
    However, this is not fully usable since the icon color cannot be changed from white.
  • The background of the navigation bar can be translucent (or transparent) by Window.setNavigationBarColor.
    However, this is not fully usable since the icon color cannot be changed from white.

API level 23 (Android 6.0 Marshmallow)

  • The icon color on the status bar can be toggled light or dark by WindowInsetsControllerCompat#isAppearanceLightStatusBars.

API level 26 (Android 8.0 Oreo)

  • The icon color on the navigation bar can be toggled light or dark by WindowInsetsControllerCompat#isAppearanceLightNavigationBars.

API level 29 (Android 10)

  • Supports all the features related to edge-to-edge.
    ・ Gesture navigation.
    ・ Auto scrim on three-button navigation. Can be adjusted by Window#isNavigationBarContrastEnforced.
  • Dark mode

With these in mind, here’s one possible strategy.

API level 20 and below

  • No edge-to-edge on these versions.

API level 21 and 22

  • Both the status bar and the navigation bar have white icons on black translucent background.

API level 23 to 25

  • The status bar has a transparent background. The icon color can be light or dark depending on the app design.
  • The navigation bar has white icons on black translucent background.

API level 26 to 28

  • The status bar has a transparent background. The icon color can be light or dark depending on the app design.
  • The navigation bar has a translucent background. The icon color can be light or dark depending on the app design.

API level 29 and above

  • Both the status bar and the navigation bar have transparent backgrounds.
  • The system handles the rest. It applies a translucent background on three-button navigation. It adjusts the colors in dark mode.

Let’s see how it works on emulators running various API levels.

Backward compatible edge-to-edge on various API levels

Here’s a code to set these all up.

This implementation should work for most apps, but here are some adjustments you might want to make depending on your app design and features.

  • If your app shows images behind the status bar or the navigation bar, you might want a translucent background instead of a transparent background.
  • If your app shows dark top/bottom bars in light mode, you might want to flip the icon colors.
  • If your app implements custom dark mode on API level 28 and below, you have to pass its state as a parameter to this implementation and adjust some colors.

If you have any feedback on this implementation, please let me know in the comments.

