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Android Developers
The official Android Developers publication on Medium
Android Studio
Now in Android
Modern Android Development
Now in Android #110
Now in Android #110
Android 15, Credential Manager, Android Studio Koala, Compose for TV, & more
Chris Assigbe
Oct 10
Migrating Compose for TV from alpha to stable
Migrating Compose for TV from alpha to stable
We’ve shifted a few things around as Compose for TV graduated out of alpha. Migrate easily with the following tips.
Paul Lammertsma
Sep 11
Type safe navigation for Compose
Type safe navigation for Compose
Jetpack Navigation 2.8.0 enhances Kotlin navigation. Type-safe APIs that improve code safety, simplify graph creation, and more.
Don Turner
Sep 4
Preview and test your app’s edge-to-edge UI
Preview and test your app’s edge-to-edge UI
Test and adapt your app’s UI using Compose Previews to ensure a seamless transition to Android 15’s edge-to-edge UI requirements.
Meghan Mehta
Sep 4
Insets handling tips for Android 15’s edge-to-edge enforcement
Insets handling tips for Android 15’s edge-to-edge enforcement
Tips to ensure your apps handle insets correctly. Provide a seamless edge-to-edge experience on Android 15 devices.
Ash Nohe
Sep 3
Now in Android #109
Now in Android #109
The Fourth Beta of Android 15, Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event, Google Play’s new Collections feature and more.
Kateryna Semenova
Aug 27
Efficient Render Passes — On Tile-Based Rendering Hardware
Efficient Render Passes — On Tile-Based Rendering Hardware
Efficiently use tile-based rendering hardware.
Shahbaz Youssefi
Aug 9
Now in Android
Now in Android #108
Now in Android #108
Android 15 Beta 3, two Compose case studies, Google AI Studio, Gemini in Android Studio, and lots of stable AndroidX releases.
Ash Nohe
Jun 27
Now in Android #107
Now in Android #107
Google @ KotlinConf, Android Studio updates, I/O recaps, AndroidX updates, and more.
Sa-ryong Kang
Jun 13
Now in Android #106
Now in Android #106
I/O’24, Android 15, KMP, Compose, AndroidX, and more
Alice Yuan
May 30
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