Android 开发技术周报 Issue#264

Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2020
Android Weekly


  1. KaTeXView

A library that uses Khan Academy KaTeX for TeX math rendering.

2. Square Cycler

The Square Cycler API allows you to easily configure an Android RecyclerView declaratively in a succinct way.

3. Rabbit

🐰【Android APM System】【 Android Develop Tools】【net request log】【crash Log】【 fps monitor】【 block monitor】【app speed】【apk analyzer】 etc.

3. TapCard

A Java library used to read and extract data from NFC EMV credit cards.

4. EMV NFC Paycard Enrollment

A Java library used to read and extract data from NFC EMV credit cards (Android/PCSC).

5. RxCountDownTimer

An Android library written in Kotlin that wraps the CountDownTimer so it can be used with RxJava.

6. loadinglayout


7. Curry

Android currency conversion library

8. ClockAnimationView

Android animated clock view.

9. StoriesProgressView

show horizontal progress like instagram stories.

10. ParallaxRecyclerView

A RecyclerView with parallax folding effect.

11. HorizontalCalendarView

A simple library to display a horizontal calendar with custom start and end date, and mark events with a background

12. ReactiveBeacons

Android library scanning BLE beacons nearby with RxJava

13. Bracer

Pass parameters safely and quickly between activities or fragments.在各个Activity或者各个Fragment之间安全快速的传递参数

14. Yasha (夜叉)

Kotlin-based modern RecyclerView rendering weapon

15. Sange

A powerful Recyclerview Adapter

16. RxRouter
A lightweight, simple, smart and powerful Android routing library.一个轻量级、简单、智能并且强大的安卓路由库

17. MobileInfo

获取 Android 手机硬件的全部信息

18. EasyRTMP-Android

A simple, robust, low latency RTMP video&audio&screen stream pusher and recorder on android.

19. rxkprefs

🛠 A small Kotlin library to make shared preferences easy + RxJava and Coroutines support

20. LifeClean

mvp and mvvm with lifecycle

21. ktor-retrofit

Turns a Retrofit service interface into Ktor routing. Very early stage prototype.

22. Leoric

PoC of fighting against force-stop kill process on Android.

23. SwipeRevealLayout

A layout that you can swipe/slide to show another layout.

24. AndroidSafFile

A wrapper of Android Storage Access Framework for writing files on Ext SD card in both Java and JNI native code.


  1. Android Kotlin Clean Architecture App

Android Sample Clean Architecture App written in Kotlin

2. Android Clipboard Security Hole Demonstration App

A project demonstrating a security hole In Android’s API that allows any installed application to listen to changes to the clipboard (listen to everything that you copy and paste).


  1. MovieMan

An open-source Android app for viewing Movies / TV information.

2. Android-NFC

This Project helps developer to read data from credit card: card number, expired date, card type , Read & Write data in NFC tocken.

3. DroidKaigi 2020 official Android app

The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2020 Tokyo

4. New Leanote Android (Leamonax)

New Leanote Android (Leamonax)

5. EasyMark

The markdown parser, editor and viewer for Android which is rather easy to integrate.

6. MarkNote

An open sourced markdown note-taking application for Android

7. markor

Text editor — Notes & ToDo (for Android) — Markdown, todo.txt, plaintext, math, ..

8. PopularMovies

🎥 Movie discovery app showcasing Android best practices with Google’s recommended architecture: MVVM + Repository + Offline support + Android Architecture Components + Paging library & Retrofit2.

9. compose-pokedex

Android Pokedex on Jetpack Compose.


  1. Gradle Lint Plugin

A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns of misuse or deprecations in Gradle scripts.

2. IntelliJ Detekt Plugin

ntegrates detekt, a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language, into IntelliJ.


  1. GitHub Dark Theme

GitHub Dark Theme — Extension for Chrome and Firefox

2. Optimus Template

Optimus Template is the native framework for Optimus, designed to help you to get started with your tests in the swiftest time possible.

3. JetBrainsMono

the free and open-source typeface for developers

