Engineering Update (09-Jan-23)

Kevin Colahan
Andromeda Engineering
3 min readJan 10, 2023


Happy New Year! (Is it too late for that?) The Andromeda team has been actively working on some critical development to kick off 2023. Check out some of the latest and greatest below:

Chain Support

We are in the final stages of being able to integrate with both SEI chain and Injective chain. There are a few more tests that need to be completed, but this is a great milestone to hit so early in the year. The last piece of the puzzle will be our submission of our contracts for approval on testnet and mainnet.

Injective —

AMP//White Paper

The Andromeda team has come together and tested our own messaging protocol that we will share more details about progress soon. We are partnering with Electi Consulting in this effort for inclusion into our revamped White Paper.

We are heads down building out the prototype for AMP with several core members of our team. We are really excited for how this will come together when implemented and released.

App Builder — Zone View

Our front end devs have been working tirelessly to get us to an Easier, Better, and Faster version of the front end of our App Builder. AAs you can see from our image below, you can easily choose specific ADO’s or specify detailed change selections that is as simple as dragging and dropping across your screen. This will be instrumental for IBC integrations that will be coming in future releases.

Zone Selection within Andromeda App Builder

Learn Section

One of the most important things to do is educate our customers (Developers, Creators, and Users) from first time users to elite developers really causing a stir with our software. We have developed a Learn Section with three areas to get everyone acquainted.

  1. Andromeda Conceptual — This is where you get high level look at our software, so you can see our infrastructure and framework.
Conceptual Breakdown of Andromeda — Learn Section

2. The Basics — This is where you learn about the different components available when building with our software. From ADO’s to Classifiers to Apps, supporting documentation is abundant.

The Basics of Andromeda — Learn Section

3. How to Guides — You’ll find write ups and videos of how to develop specific use cases and walk through the process of really getting entrenched in our product offerings. There’s much more to come here, but we are happy with the progress we made here to support our community.

How to Guides — Learn Section

Next Week: look for information on our next Andromeda Academy where developers learn to build in “the fast lane.”

Keep pushing forward!

