Engineering Update (17-OCT-22)

Cody Marx Bailey
Andromeda Engineering
2 min readOct 17, 2022


This is going to be a shorter update as most of the progress from the last two weeks has largely been polishing and bug fixing as we get closer to a public beta. The team is really excited about where we are right now. The public beta is a lot further along than an MVP at this point.

Andromeda Developer Academy

We do have one fun announcement. We’re spinning up our Andromeda Developer Academy program that will guide projects or developers create ADOs for their projects on Andromeda. It’s a quick four week program that won’t require more than about 5–8 hours per week, depending on how ambitious your aspirations are.

Week 1: Education on what an ADO is (Andromeda Digital Object) 📚
Week 2: Design and architect your ADO 🧭
Week 3: Code & Test 👨‍💻
Week 4: Integration & Public Demo Day 🎉

If you’d like to apply for the program, here’s the link:

Architecture Diagrams

Comparison of Andromeda OS to traditional OS design.
We’ve properly architected and abstracted the different components so they are easily managed and stitched together for functionality never before seen on any blockchain.

Gaining Traction

We’re adding more and more partners, collaborators, validators, wallets, etc. by the day as word gets out about what we’ve created. If you’re interested in working with us in a more official capacity, please reach out on one of our social channels.


A picture is worth a thousand words, so we figured we could show off some of the screens.

Creating a simple system of ADOs
How data flows or references from one ADO to another.
We borrowed the design pattern from GraphQL Playground for conveniently bringing in our documentation alongside the workspace.
Asset viewer, which is starting to look a lot like a file browser. We’re toying around with the concepts around this. Since we have objects with hierarchy, a “folder structure” seems to be logical.

Back at it!



Cody Marx Bailey
Andromeda Engineering

Core Contributor to Andromeda Protocol, Co-creator of the ERC721 Standard, Founder of The Creative Space, BIL Conference and other really bad ideas.