Finding love requires belief in oneself I andwemet

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2 min read17 hours ago

You are single in your 30s & beyond for a reason-maybe you haven’t found your person yet, you’re still healing from a past relationship, other priorities took precedence, or you haven’t been focused enough on your search. Whatever the reason, you’ve been searching but haven’t found success. One primary reason is that while you claim you’re all in for the search, you might not fully trust yourself when it comes to finding love.

Fear of getting hurt, expecting to instantly vibe with someone are hurdles that can make the journey difficult. Finding that immediate connection is rare, like seeing a blue moon. It’s not impossible, but it requires a shift in how you approach the search.

My request is that you trust that you will find your person. Here’s how:

  1. Trust Yourself: Believe that you can find your person. This belief is the foundation of your search. Without it, you might unknowingly sabotage your efforts.
  2. Overcome Fear: Everyone fears getting hurt, but letting that fear dictate your actions will only hold you back. Embrace the possibility of vulnerability as a part of the journey.
  3. Build Patience : Instant chemistry is rare. Be open to giving the connection time to develop. Sometimes, the most meaningful relationships grow slowly.
  4. Invest in your Search : We also often resist investing money in this process, expecting it to happen at no cost. But remember, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Don’t shy away from spending money on finding your person. Whether it’s a membership fee for a community, a ticketed event, or any other resource, view it as an investment in your future happiness.
  5. Don’t Shy from the Fact that You Are Searching for a Partner: Avoid being embarrassed about your efforts to find a partner. Normalize finding your person on service providers like ours. You’re doing it for yourself, which is no reason to feel ashamed. Remember, love can be found at any age.

By embracing the above, you’re not just searching for a partner; you’re setting yourself up for success in finding a meaningful, lasting relationship. Once you do, do remember to share your andwemet story with us.

You may also enjoy reading Effective tips on how to find your person

Originally published at on July 28, 2024.

