Guideline to Writers

Guideline for good practices for writers of Anecdotes of Academia

Abd Karim Alias
Anecdotes of Academia
3 min readJul 8, 2019


A warm welcome to all writers!

Welcome aboard my fellow writers! [Image by GIPHY]

Welcome aboard!

Thank you for joining me in this adventure.

How do I join as a writer?

I would like to invite anyone interested to contribute as a writer for Anecdotes of Academia. Just email me your profile name (the name you register for your Medium account) at I will then add your name in my publication. To add your article to the publication, just follow the tutorial given below.

What kind of topics I can publish here?

  • Your personal story in your career as an academic or educator in academia, as a trainer, a coach, a facilitator, etc. Something useful, interesting, intriguing—that people can learn something from your experiences.
  • Feel free to contribute a thought-provoking story or your perspective on education (especially higher education).
  • There is also a light and easy section. Feel free to contribute a poem, short story, Haiku, etc.

Other things I should know?

  • The article can be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
  • The length of the article preferably around 1000 words or between 3 to 5 minutes read (estimated).

Start your journey here…

The interface of Medium is very neat and simple—so simple that many of its features are hidden and waiting for you to unearth.

  • 16 tricks to turn your Medium drafts into beautiful looking stories — This is a comprehensive article (perhaps the only one you need to read) describing the features you can unlock to embellish your article. I love the GIF video showing step-by-step procedures to accomplish the task:
  • Tips and tricks for Medium writers — This article is written by the Medium editorial. A good place to explore further.
  • Finding a Footing as a Writer on Medium? Learn the Rope Fast!—I wrote this article for new writers who are interested to explore Medium. You will find plenty of excellent resources to get started writing an excellent piece on Medium.

Structure and Layout of Article

Refer to the numbers in the picture above:

  • №1 is a ‘kicker’. This is optional.
  • №2 is the title of the article. Be creative to catch the readers’ attention but it should reflect the content. Avoid clickbait. Mastering the copywriting technique would be useful to help you write a good title.
  • №3 is a brief description of what being covered in the article.
  • №4 is a relevant image that you can insert immediately after the title. This is highly recommended.
  • №5 is your profile picture. Don’t be shy to upload a nice photo for your profile.

Here’s a brief tutorial on how to insert a photo into your article:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many words per article?

Medium gives an estimated ‘read time’ (in minutes). Typically a 4-minute article is about 1000 words. Try to limit maximum reading time for your article to 10 minutes.

  • How do I publish my article in my selected publication?

Check out this tutorial:

  • Who owns the copyright? Can I publish my article elsewhere?

The writer will have the copyright and he or she can delete or republish the article elsewhere.



Abd Karim Alias
Anecdotes of Academia

A Professor of Food Technology at Univ Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) (since 1994). A strong advocate of online education and driven by a passion to share knowledge.