Bridging the Gap Between Web 2.0 & Web 3.0

Maddy Bergen
Angel Alliance
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2022

At the core of Web 3.0 is each and every individual that has made the jump from Web 2.0. Here at Angel Alliance, we are working diligently to onboard people from all walks of life into the rapidly growing world that NFT and crypto connoisseurs call home. There is no doubt that the Web 3.0 we are experiencing today is merely the groundwork for the renaissance of technology and community that future generations will reap the benefits of for years to come. We’re all wondering the same thing; How can we bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?

In order to begin bridging this gap, we must first understand the differences between Web2 and Web3.

What exactly is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0, simply put, is the internet that much of our world partakes in on a day-to-day basis. This includes social networking platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, various news outlets including blogs, forums, traditional websites, and other components such as cloud storage and Zoom calls. Web 2.0 allows users to mobilize their technology while providing the opportunity to send and receive complex information in a single moment. Having introduced ease and simplicity, Web 2.0 took the world by storm following what some refer to as the “dotcom bubble” that was Web 1.0.

What exactly is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is defined as decentralized networks and artificial intelligence that place power and security at the heart of every transaction. Web 3.0 has transformed the meanings of confidence and security with ever developing encryption and advanced data tracking technologies. In other words, Web 3.0 has created a digital world that allows users to connect on a deeper level than ever before, while providing a level of protection that has never before been provided. Interaction and engagement in a whole new world, the metaverse, is now available to all. Web 3.0 takes Web 2.0 and elevates it in a way that gives power back to the people, all while building on the pillars of our common-place digital networking tools.

Now that we’ve introduced Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 in their simplest forms, let’s discuss their key differences.

What does Web3 have that Web2 does not?

  • The decentralized world of Web 3.0 prevents censorship.
  • Web 3.0 payments do not require personal data in order to successfully be transmitted.
  • Failure of one component within Web 3.0 does not result in overall system failure.
  • Rather than data being owned by the network, Web 3.0 allows data to be owned by an entity whilst being shared amongst the network.
  • No permissions are required to utilize services provided within Web3.0
  • Enhanced data connectivity in Web 3.0 brings emotional meaning to code.
  • Web 3.0 has brought the cutting-edge 3-Dimensional world to life.

Okay, we’ve addressed the ways in which Web 3.0 towers over Web 2.0. Now, how can we utilize this information to bridge the gap between the two and begin to onboard avid Web 2.0 users into the Web 3.0 space? The answer can be simple or complex. Simply put, we can bridge the gap by Educating, Building and Empowering.


Have you tried to explain Web 3.0 to a loved one that had previously received a warped explanation of what it is and the “risks” involved with it? If so, it was probably a frustrating conversation — I think we’ve all been there at least once. Web 2.0 has become a safe and familiar place for many, but at one point, none of us understood what it was or the role it could play in our lives, we had to learn from the ground up. Educating people that have not yet been exposed to the above mentioned information is an absolute must and where we need to begin if we want to onboard more people into Web 3.0. Steer clear of emotions, identify key characteristics, utilize metaphors that ease understanding, share your experiences and most importantly, have patience. Identify the individual’s passions, career or goals and find a way to present it to them in a way that projects the possible growth and development in those areas if they choose to incorporate Web 3.0 into their lives. Discuss potential and transformation in capacities that are close to their heart. Try to simplify your terminology and as hard as it may seem, keep it simple.


You never know who’s watching. Countless people are sitting back and observing this space as they ponder whether or not they’d like to make the leap. The Web 3.0 community must continue to build and develop in ways that showcase its greatest strengths and overall potential. Groundbreaking innovations are made in this space every day and its continuous growth will provide avenues for trust and curiosity that will be necessary to many people in order for them to feel comfortable crossing the bridge we are trying so hard to build. After all, most people tend to learn by example.


Some say that excitement is the opposite of fear, we believe that it may actually be the remedy. We mentioned incorporating components of Web 2.0 users’ lives when educating them about the ways in which Web 3.0 can positively impact them — let’s take that one step further. Sometimes painting a picture isn’t enough, we need to physically enable and empower Web 2.0 users through means of Web 3.0 in ways that allow them to feel connected. Do you belong to a community or server that provides resources you know are close to someone’s heart? Is there someone in Web 3.0 that you’ve discovered has a story, path or mission similar to someone you’re looking to onboard? If so, it’s time to share these connections and experiences in real time. Rather than expecting someone to understand, let’s show them the achievements of others and address their ability to do the exact same and then some. After all, seeing is believing.

Final Thoughts

In order for the Web 3.0 Community to continue to grow, we must prioritize transparency and integrity. With new technology, comes doubt and stigma. People have questions and concerns and truthfully, they don’t know what they don’t know. In order to bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, the current Web 3.0 lovers need to share facts, support on-boarding, answer difficult questions and continue to show up every day. If you are in the Web 3.0 space today, you are early.

