[TrippyArt] Korean Representative NFT artist, Mr.Happenstance

Trippy ART DAO
Pado Wallet Watch
Published in
9 min readMar 7, 2022
Mr. Happenstance

​Mr. Happenstance

is an artist who builds his own universe by combining fine art and NFT.

An artist with a universe and story,

Mr. H is creating stories in his works and connecting them.
And each piece has its own meaning.

Mr. Happenstance
an imaginative creator


Mr. Happenstance, Korea, Trippy Art

Mr. Happenstacne, SOL, Trippy Art, 2021

“The story of the endangered white lion reflected in the stained glass”​

Original works created by going online and offline

Mr. H drew and shaded offline and completed the work using digital tools.
The side of the lion’s mane was realized through 3D modeling.
This unique way of working has created one of TRIPPY ART’s most original creations.

Awareness of endangered species

Mr. H says, “SOL was actually started to care for and protect the endangered white lion, and it was created to convey a message about the situation of the white lion that Mr. Happenstance happened to encounter while traveling the earth.”

​See more details at Trippy Art

Secret Chamber(2022)

Mr. Happenstance, Korea, Trippy Art

Mr. Happenstance, Secret Chamber, Trippy Art, 2021

“Mr. Happenstance’s secret studio.”

Expansion of Mr.H’s universe

<Secret Chamber> is set in Mr.H’s secret studio.
You can see the canvas on which <SOL> is painted, the white lion, and other elements.

His universe and studio

Mr. H says, “<Secret Chamber> contains my thoughts, plans, creative ideas that can be used in next creative work. I think finding and guessing these things might be entertaining, so I put those elements in my studio.”

​See more details at Trippy Art


Mr. Happenstance, Korea, Trippy Art

Mr. H presents a roadmap divided into regular projects and signature collections.

Regular Projects

Regular Projects are the primary stepping stones that can be re-employed and applied to future projects and collections in a hybrid manner anytime in the future.

I.e Project SOL, Project NixPardus

Signature Collections

Signature Collections function as a unique collection set worth being the object of NFT holders’ collectables, employing and bridging regular projects.

It is meant to be harnessed as the way of both storytelling and relaying messages to NFT holders and the community regarding plans, entertaining items and the original universe-related matters, including but not limited to the long-term easter eggs of the universe build-up.

I.e Secret Chamber Collection, Paparazzi Collection etc


Mr. Happenstance, Korea, Trippy Art

Words from a Trippy Art Artist, interview with Mr. H

Q : If you could express Mr. H in three words, what would you like to express?

🪐 Mr. H: An imaginative creator

Q : If you look at Mr. H’s profile, he’s wearing a unique outfit, and I’m curious about the meaning of the outfit.

🪐 Mr. H : This is the Galaxy Travel Suit that Mr. H wears when traveling through the galaxy.

Like the people of Earth, Mr. H wears a variety of spacesuits depending on the situation (time), purpose, and place (of course, he doesn’t just wear spacesuits!).

I remember the spacesuit in the profile is the one that I was wearing while the helmet was taken off for a while looking at the distant Earth. :)

Galaxy Travel Suit

Q : While staying on Earth, do you think the ‘Earth-Communication Plan, SOL project has been successful? Or did you have any other achievements during your stay?

🪐 Mr. H : I think the overall outcome of the Earth-Communication Plan is “currently in progress”. It seems like a good first step just to have people cheering for my universe and intention.

The SOL project is a visual creation project, but in a way it can be one of the Earth communication plans and stories.

And it is the starting project of the long-term ESG campaign that contains a message that we can think about to become a better planet.

So just telling the situation of one animal, the white lion, to many people seems to have a lot of meaning in the first place.

However, there are also regrets that the ripple effect was less because I am not yet a famous creator.

I would be happy if I could play a role as a messenger who can sincerely deliver a message for a better earth and our world to more people in the future!

Finally, it is difficult to explain something now, as I do not think it is right to say it hastily, but I think additional specific visions and plans may be added :)

Q : During your stay on Earth, is there anything you have recently been interested in after the endangered white lions?

🪐 Mr. H : Another endangered species, the snow leopard is of great interest. It is said to be the closest relative of the white lion.

And I think there are many interesting things on Earth. I am very interested in various things such as fashion, music, movies, and literature of the people on the earth.

Q : If you leave Earth and return to your hometown, how would you like to be remembered by people on Earth?​

🪐 Mr. H : We are all forgetting something that we have to forget even now to live tomorrow.

In the same way, I will naturally be forgotten.

So, it seems to be satisfactory in itself if it is forgotten when it should be forgotten with a pleasant afterimage.

If it has to be a memory, it would be better if the message I conveyed or the joy that my work can convey rather than myself is meaningful and memorable in itself for a long time.

This is my heart now!

About Project <Secret Chamber>

Q : You announced the <Secret Chamber> following <SOL>. What was the motivation behind the Secret Chamber?

🪐 Mr. H : I think that every being with feelings and consciousness has a secret room that they want to keep secret or treasured somewhere in their heart.

At least, if you don’t have that secret room yet, I think we all have the desire to have it.

In that secret room, we have secret thoughts, emotions, worries, and imaginations.

And we bring our lives to that place, and sometimes we bring something in that secret room to our reality to realize or express it.

Of course, some things can be treasured hidden in that secret room forever.

I started with that idea and brought this secret room.

Q : How do you feel when you finish creating or when your work is published? I wonder what kind of expression you will be making in the Secret Chamber.

🪐 Mr. H : I think there are a lot of exciting emotions.

Also, I randomly think about various things, such as how viewers will interpret the work, whether the work will be loved by others other than myself, and how it will deliver fun or positive emotions.

And I have to see that all of my creations are all connected in one big universe and story, so I wonder how viewers will guess and imagine my universe based on different life experiences!

Q : You are revealing Mr. H’s personal space. What do you want to reveal only to the fans who have seen the Secret Room, and what do you want to hide from the fans as well?

🪐 Mr. H : It contains Easter eggs of ideas and items that can be used for my thoughts, plans, creative ideas, and universe creation work.

I thought it might be fun to think about these parts, so I tried to reveal these parts in parts.

Since they are hidden Easter eggs, it would be better not to disclose them in detail about what they are and how they will be used :)

Q : Unlike in SOL, you prepared 3D art this time. What motivated you to present your project in 3D art?

🪐 Mr. H : There are several reasons.

It will be too long to explain in writing, so I will keep it as short as possible.

3D work is similar to 2D work, but it is a different creation method.

In the meantime, I came to think that 3D work is very valuable in expressing the unique universe that I want to express in a single story.

So, I thought it would be good to use 3D more actively.

Also, although 3D has been added a bit, it can be said that it is my effort to induce holders to fall into ‘my universe’ through visual creations that are close to 2D. :)

Returning from Mr. H to the real me for a moment, to share the essential reason, I think it can be said that it is because of my curiosity about the dimension.

When I have free time to think vaguely, there are times when I think deeply about this part, and in the past, I had frequent conversations and studies with professors regarding this.

So I wanted to bring 3D as well as 2D.

Moreover, by crossing the properties of different dimensions, we bring the result of 2D to 3D and compare it with the dimension in which we live.

Q : Are there any benefits to fans who hold the Secret Chamber?

🪐 Mr. H : One of the holders will be selected, and a high-definition printed frame will be given to one of the two <SOL> works in his <Secret Chamber>!

Q : What are the purchase points for Secret Chamber?

🪐 Mr. H : <Secret Chamber> is one of the Signature Collections that can come to mind if you heard about the creator named Mr.Happenstance, and regular projects are included in the signature project universe.

And, in the <Secret Chamber>, some works contain Easter eggs, especially about universe storytelling, which will serve as a link to other projects that have not yet been released.

In other words, those who own the Secret Chamber Collection and other projects can see the stories I am expressing when they collect them, right? :)

In particular, these signature nfts, which contain Easter eggs of storytelling, are not only supplied in a very small amount, but also the final supply of the collection will be ultimately limited so that it can have holding value.

Q : Will you announce the Secret Chamber project after other projects have been announced? I’m curious about the next project!

🪐 Mr. H: As shown in the introduction to the Secret Chamber Collection written in TRIPPY ART, this secret room can be made and released in the manner of the Secret Chamber Collection at any time after it is linked or applied if there are regular artwork projects.

Not only that, I think it could be linked with various plans and projects in the future!

There are already a lot of hidden storytelling easter eggs in <Secret Chamber x SOL>!



Trippy ART DAO
Pado Wallet Watch

Trippy ART is an NFT art DAO where you can enjoy and purchase high-quality NFT works and projects by carefully selected artists in one place.