Returns of a Happy Intern — Enakshi Dhingra’s Journey with Angel One

Angel One Design
Angel One Square
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2023

Steve Jobs is an inspiration to many, especially to those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world. The design team at Angel One is on a similar endeavour, we want to shape the future of the financial trading world.
Jobs’s thoughts have helped many in moving from indeterminacy to way-finding when it comes to choosing what to do. He once said

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.

Our internship program at its core is driven by the desire to help young aspiring designers have an attempt at doing what they love, early in their career.
And of course, their energy and ways of looking at design sans the familiarity bias acts as a boost to the experienced members in the team.

Enakshi joined us in Jan 2023 while she was in the third year of her UG design course. We caught up with her on her last day of her internship with us. Here is what Enakshi had to say

Interviewer : Hi Enakshi, as your internship with Angel One is ending, how would you look back at these 3 months?

Enakshi : Well, it went too fast for sure. I can’t believe that it’s already ending.I entered this internship with experience in using Figma, knowing the design basics, UX research methods, problem-solving attitude, confidence, and curiosity.

I’m ending on a note of a valuable 3-month experience with the design team. I feel the biggest takeaways have been

  • enormous additions to my soft skills,
  • a fine-tuning of my technical skills.

It was challenging yet exciting to get to know the FinTech world and I’m ready to delve into it further and engage to develop products that would help the people.

Interviewer : That sounds great Enakshi and frankly very satisfying as well. What were some of the key projects you worked on?

Enakshi : Give me a moment. Let me recount, there were multiple projects in which I was involved. Including pre-design, during design and post design process. I

  • Designed and Redesigned multiple Angel One Website and App pages.
  • Worked on the design system.
  • Attempted a UX exercise to re-ideate and design the watchlist module.
  • Performed market research on Angel One competitors and looked at the typography they use on their digital platforms.
  • Discovered how various phone brands have diverse dimensions and how the design needs to be altered for each.
  • Collaborated with the business team to brainstorm valuable designs from the perspective of business, and design.

Interviewer : Wow, that’s a lot for 3 months. What did you like or dislike about your internship?

Enakshi : Glad you asked this question, I have a slide that I have prepared which I think I’ll use at multiple places. Let me use it here as well

Interviewer : Ha ha, that’s a neat slide. I see you are sad about your internship ending.

Enakshi : I would be lying if I said I am not. Apart from collaborating with a lot of people, I think I have gotten more involved with the product than I had thought.
Although I am talking about emotions here, I have some numbers that show why and how much I feel attached to the product now.

And have a look at the some of the designs I have contributed to

Interviewer : Looks like you have a slide for everything. I could just paste them in the article instead of typing out our conversation later.

Enakshi : Lol, it’s one of the skills that I have further honed at Angel One and when you learn something new, you can’t wait to go out and test it.

Interviewer : Well said Enakshi and Well done. I think you definitely have added value to our team in the 3 months you have been with us. Anything else you want to say, before we conclude this nice little conversation.

Enakshi : I’m grateful for this wonderful experience and would like to extend my thanks to everyone who was there to help and mentor me at all steps.
Shout out to Saumya, Vivek, and Rishit for guiding me through and providing valuable insights, it wouldn’t have been the same without them.

I am taking away with me, experience in stakeholder handling, independence in decisions, constant feedback from my mentor and PMs.I really appreciate the flexibility provided around my college schedule, that helped me manage my deadlines and deliveries, while understanding a new domain

Hopefully, I’ll get to collaborate and interact with others from the design team in the future. I wish all the best to Angel One!

Interviewer : We wish all the best to you too Enakshi.

And that’s Enakshi’s experience for you in her words with some edits from our Information Design team.

We agree that our claim to shape the future might seem overreaching. But we are trying our best to mould fresh designers. And how we mould a young mind, is how we shape our future.

Enakshi Dhingra is currently in her final year at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology. At Angel One, we went with our version of the philosophy that it takes a team to raise a good designer, we sought to train her intensely on her soft skills and working with stakeholders to complement her learnings and to provide her with the experience that would set her apart with our support.

We wish her the very best and hope to cross paths again!

