Unlocking User Engagement: The Art of In-App Nudges

Saksham Kalsi
Angel One Square
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2023

Picture this: You’re in a bustling city, weaving through crowded streets, when a gentle tap on your shoulder redirects your path, leading you towards a hidden gem of a café you might have otherwise missed. In this scenario, that inconspicuous tap on the shoulder is the nudge — a subtle, yet important force that guides your choices without imposing on your freedom.

In the digital realm, the concept of nudges has become increasingly prevalent, playing a pivotal role in enhancing user experience, engagement and overall satisfaction. Nudges, in this context, are the courteous digital taps on our shoulders, only they manifest as unobtrusive prompts, cleverly designed to steer users towards specific actions or decisions within an app. It’s a bit like having a helpful friend alongside, whispering, “Hey, you might want to check this out,” without hijacking your autonomy.

To fully comprehend the art of in-app nudges, it’s imperative that we first dissect what they truly are. Nudges are your app’s trusty companions, offering a subtle hand of guidance. These are:

1. Useful, Non-intrusive Prompts: Nudges are your silent supporters, providing a gentle nudge in the right direction, never imposing but always assisting.

2. Designed to Encourage Users: Nudges are master motivators, encouraging users to take specific actions or make desired decisions. Think of them as your digital cheerleaders, subtly pushing you towards your goals.

3. Action Without Distraction: Nudges excel at offering guidance without taking away from other essential app actions. It’s the art of persuasion that leaves users feeling empowered rather than overwhelmed.

With this basic understanding in place, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to wield the power of nudges effectively.

Best Practices for Nudging

Creating effective nudges is akin to crafting the perfect cup of coffee — a blend of science and art, with the right balance bringing satisfaction. Here are some best practices to master the nudge:

1. Understand User Behavior: Just as a barista knows the preferences of their regular customers, app developers should analyze data and user feedback to identify screens where nudges can be most effective. Understanding your users is the first step to guiding them efficiently.

2. Set Clear Objectives: If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. Define the specific actions or decisions you want users to take through your nudge campaign. What does success look like? Knowing this helps you measure and refine your efforts.

3. Personalization: One size never fits all. Tailor nudges to individual user profiles and behaviors. Make users feel like the nudge was created just for them, enhancing their sense of ownership.

4. Timing is Key: Imagine a barista serving coffee while you’re still tying your shoelaces. It’s not the right moment. Similarly, choose the opportune moment to deliver your nudges, ensuring they align seamlessly with the user’s journey.

5. Clarity and Simplicity: Just as a great coffee recipe is easy to understand, your nudges should be crisp and straightforward. Confusion is the enemy of action.

6. Provide Value: A coffee without flavor is just hot water. Nudges should offer users value or benefits. Give them a reason to take that recommended action.

7. Chase a CTR, not a reach: Click-through rate (CTR) is your real success indicator. It’s not about how many users see your nudge but how many act upon it. It’s like the difference between having a sip of coffee and enjoying a full cup.

Now that we have our nudge toolkit ready, let’s explore how our app, Angel One, applied these principles to achieve remarkable results. Angel One utilizes contextual nudges on various screens, transforming user engagement with its home, watchlist, orders, portfolio, and account sections.

Each of these sections has a unique “job to be done.” For instance, the Home Page’s goal is to greet users, provide news and updates and offer access to other modules. The Orders screen aims to enable users to view and modify orders, analyze positions and review order history. The Watchlist screen delivers real-time prices, facilitates watchlist management and streamlines stock searches. The Accounts section empowers users to manage their funds, update client details, seek customer support and customize settings. Finally, the Portfolio screen serves as the go-to place for portfolio details, performance tracking and buying or selling stocks. This is vital to identifying the location of any future nudge campaigns. For example, a communication regarding a demerger affecting the customer is best served on the Portfolio screen, the quarterly payout is best delivered on the Funds screen and so on. Once we have the screens and their jobs to be done understood — we are ready to use nudges in a myriad of ways.

Let’s now venture into the world of real-world applications, where Angel One’s savvy implementation of nudges has yielded impressive results.

1. Feature Release Communication

Imagine the excitement of discovering a long-awaited feature in your favorite app — that’s the sensation Angel One sought to recreate. When the trading from charts feature was released on the Angel One website, a strategically timed nudge was dispatched on mobile. But what set this nudge apart was its precision. It was sent only to traders who actively engaged on both the mobile and web platforms. The outcome? An astonishing 17% Click-Through Rate (CTR) for a feature release communication — a testament to the art of selecting the exact user segment that wants to receive the communication and delivering that communication to them.

2. User Information Nudges

Quarterly payout nudges on the Account screen, same as the fund balance screen, subtly remind users of two essential pieces of information. First, they convey that funds have been disbursed at the end of the quarter, along with the precise amount transferred. Second, they gently encourage users to reinvest money into their accounts, promoting retention.

In another case of providing user information — but this time to convert a low-activity user to a high-activity user — when users face F&O activation rejection, a nudge on the homepage gently prompts them to reattempt the process, ensuring a smoother user experience and higher journey conversion of turning an equity user into an options trader.

3. Trade Reminders that Resonate

Angel One activated certain nudges on the watchlist, timed to coincide with expiry days. These well-placed nudges reached only our active FnO traders for the last week and boasted a remarkable 28% CTR. These weren’t just empty engagement numbers; the volume of the orders placed on the expiry date of index saw a massive spike too. Lakhs of orders — in a day! This emphasized the significance of delivering the right communication on the right screen to the right audience at the right time.

4. Cross-Selling Brilliance

Angel One steers its users toward diversifying their asset classes, much like a friendly suggestion to pair your beverage with a complimentary dish. By targeting safer investors and encouraging them to explore mutual funds, they not only bolstered Mutual Fund (MF) activation but also enriched retention. MF represents a long-term commitment to the app, and these nudges effectively bridged the gap, enhancing the user experience.

Closing Note

In each of these instances, Angel One’s strategic use of nudges has not only propelled growth but also elevated the user experience, transforming their app into an indispensable financial companion. The art of nudging isn’t merely a tool in our arsenal; it’s a testament to our commitment to providing users with the best possible journey. As we navigate the digital landscape, Angel One’s success with nudges serves as a guiding star, illuminating the path towards enhanced engagement and user retention.

