Three Discussions Your Team Must Have

Elon Rubin
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2016

Developing, releasing and scaling a web or mobile product presents a unique set of challenges for both managers and stakeholders. Having recently released an iOS app called Venn (it’s friend filtered search. Find places, music, movies and tv shows recommended by friends, not strangers. You can download it on the app store here), I have seen the need for communication between development, design, marketing and sales. Here are three must have conversations:

1. Design Constraints (Developer & UI/UX Designer)

Make sure early on in product development developers and designers communicate about the user interface design. Many UI/UX designers (understandably) don’t understand constraints. When you translate design to code, you must ensure, programmatically, design assets — like buttons and pictures — are constrained and adapt to different screen sizes.

Tip: It’s important to help designers understand design constraints, and for a senior developer to review the designs BEFORE product development begins.

2. Data Flow and Architecture (Frontend Developer and Backend Developer)

Understanding data flow is vital to a well performing web or mobile app. Many times frontend and backend are separate people or teams. And they don’t necessarily understand the nuisances associated with each role.

Tip: Make sure frontend and backend developers discuss prior and during project development major data usage points within your app and their inflection points.

3. Marketing and Development (Frontend Developer & Marketing)

Taking full advantage of different marketing channels often involves integrating certain frameworks or SDKs into your code. For example, understanding key action points in Google Analytics requires custom javascript functions. Direct downloads in Instagram & Facebook require integration of Facebook’s SDK.

Tip: Have your marketing team try to plan what traction channels they will be using and communicate this early on to the development team (I wrote an article on this topic recently for AngelHack — “Three Essential Marketing Integrations Into Your Code” — you can read it here).

Have any comments or questions on any of the above? Feel free to tweet, Linkedin or email me at

About Elon : Elon is a full stack developer, UI/UX designer, data architect, growth hacker, attorney and musician. He is Lead iOS Developer of Venn(iOS, download here). He also serves as a technical advisor to AngelHack, and has founded several tech companies prior. You can connect with him on Twitter, Linkedin or at In high school, Elon’s 10th grade English Teacher admonished him for “soapbox writing.” He proudly remains on his soapbox to this day.



Elon Rubin

iOS Developer (full stack), Product Manager, UI/UX Designer, Data Architect, Innovator, Musician & Attorney