Winners of Mercury Hackathon 2021

Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2021

Announcing the awaited revelation of the Mercury Hackathon prize winners!

AngelHack is pleased to announce the results of the Mercury Hackathon 2021, which was held in partnership with Tribe and KryptoSeoul. The hackathon was a 6-week online hackathon supported by Filecoin, IPFS & Flow that aimed to bring together some of the most talented creators around the world to innovate and redefine boundaries.

It brought together developers, designers, and business operators from around the world to develop or integrate applications on the Filecoin, IPFS & Flow protocols. With the expertise from creatives and engineers around the world and the guidance from our talented ecosystem professionals — we were thrilled to see the stellar projects that were built by the end of this hackathon.

While the majority of the hackathon garnered traction from the Asia Pacific region, we were thrilled to welcome participants from other countries like Canada, Nigeria, Ukraine, and even Mexico! Mercury saw over 2,000 participant registrations and over 25 projects were submitted. With up to USD120,000+ worth of FIL & FLOW tokens to give out, participants worked week in, week out from September 20 to October 31 to build amazing projects.

A total of 10 standout projects were selected by judges to receive a prize across 9 prize categories.

Without further ado, here are your #MercuryHackathon2021 winners:

Track 1

Best Use of Filecoin/IPFS & Flow for Artists & Creators
Winning Team: PROXY
Project Description: A decentralized website to read, mint, and buy favorite comics to resolve authors’ loss of profits and royalties due to piracy.

Best Use of Filecoin/IPFS & Flow for Browser Integration & Best Combined Use of Filecoin/IPFS & Flow
Winning Team: ExMachina
Project Description: A Google Chrome extension that allows NFT enthusiasts to collect wearables for their browser NFT animated character/pets. This project introduces innovations such as DeFi token collateral stakes, dynamic rarity, rarity farming, DAO-governed game mechanics, and an open metaverse with smart contract interoperability and in-world town hall-style voting.

Best Use of Filecoin/IPFS & Flow for NFTs as Video Game Assets
Winning Team: MetaPets
Project Description: An Artists Metaverse with a Paint-to-Earn system. Artists will participate in painting contests where the community will vote for their favorite. Tokens will be distributed based on the ranking of the leaderboard.

Track 2

Best Use of Filecoin/IPFS or any technology building on top of,, estuary, etc.
Winning Team #1 — NTB
Project Description: A discord NFT minter where a discord guild owner can set up to allow minting of new NFT through the discord channel.

Winning Team #2 — Team CrazyNFT
Project Description: Creating an NFT marketplace that is easily accessible and friendly especially for new users to increase the adoption of NFTs.

Track 3

Best Implementation of Cadence Language Pillars
Winning Team: script money
Project Description: A decentralized crypto-related activity information-sharing and communication platform built on Flow.

Best Use of DappStarter Flow Foundation
Winning Team: Basic Beasts
Project Description: Launching a Minimum Via Product (MVP) within the shortest amount of time a working NFT contract is reviewed for Mainnet deployment, with a front-end that accepts FUSD and can display NFTs.

Best Use of Non-Custodial Marketplace
Winning Team: novi
Project Description: A NFT web platform for content creators to connect and sell directly to global fans while earning royalties.

Best Use of Fractional NFTs
Winning Team: Enouvo
Project Description: A crowdfunding platform and marketplace for artists and creators which offers anonymity, data integrity, and resistance to censorship while incentivizing the community through fractional NFT ownership.

Best Use of Composable Smart Contracts on Flow
Winning Team: Ask any racer
Project Description: A NFT Dungeon crawler game that involves game characters, monsters, and loots as collectible NFTs.

Judges Roundup

Without the commitment and passion of our judges and mentors, this hackathon would not be complete. Here’s a huge shoutout to each individual that contributed to the success of the hackathon. Presenting to you, the Mercury Hackathon judges and mentors from Filecoin, IPFS, Flow, Decentology, Dapper Labs, OP Crypto Capital Management, Protocol Labs, A&T Capital, Blockchain@Temasek, and SGInnovate:

Mercury Hackathon Community Partners

We would also like to give a shoutout to all Community Partners who helped make this hackathon a success. A huge thank you to all our Community Partners for coming on board!

Thank you to every single participant who has attended our weekly workshops, Mentors Office Hours & Trivia Night, and being a part of the hackathon every step of the way. Till then, remember to join us in our upcoming hackathons and stay connected with AngelHack on our social platforms to always be in the know of the next hackathon.

It’s been a wild ride!

Signing off, the AngelHack team. 👋🏼




AngelHack ignites the passion of the world's most vibrant community of code creators + change makers to invent the new and make change happen, together.