Founders with Grit and Ambition- an interview with Alan Greenberg

Maayan Gossat Schwartz
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2020

AngelHub chats with Investment Committee Member Alan Greenberg about how to assess startups

Wise Words

“There are words that have certain resonance for me, the foremost being “perseverance”- combined with agility and flexibility.

I also have a problem with the English Language generally, as I do not seem to understand the words; “impossible”, “can’t be done”, or even “no”.

When people say these words to me I think this is a challenge, rather than good sage advice.”

Building Businesses

“When assessing a start up business I am far less interested in the tech. That can be fixed, and I work with some of the finest technology architects around the world.

Ultimately it is all about the individual, the Founder, and their ability to listen, learn, innovate, pivot or just plain grit and ambition.

Added to that — I expect and demand data, information, not anecdotes or platitudes, qualitative and quantitive information, numbers, analysis, domain expertise, and insights, backed up with research.

Why AngelHub?

Many investors want to invest on success, few are prepared to be challenged by innovation and “blue sky” thinking. What I admire most about AngelHub and angel investment groups generally, are two things: Leveraging experience, combined with risk taking commitment to impact and scale a fledgling business.

Who is Alan Greenberg?

Previously Director of Apple Education EMEA, then Director of Apple Education Asia. Alan also led the team who built Education Podcasting, project managed the launch of iTunes U throughout the UK, Europe and then China, worked on the development of Apple Education mobile strategy, iOS Education APPs. Alan also developed the SEED CSR project in China, a collaboration between Apple, Foxconn, and Pearson. Currently a Venture Partner at EDT Partners , Chair of MentorXchange, Advisor to Wizenoze , Senior Advisor, Area9 Lyceum Greater China and APAC, Board Advisor at Verum Capital , Board Director at Note Taking Express, and recently joined the senior management team at SuperLab Suisse. A serial entrepreneur, VC. and business scale up consultant, Alan is also a Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts. Director, Advisor, VC and Mentor to a portfolio of both early-stage and established education and health technology businesses.

