Pinas Forward Enlightens Thomasian-Angelicans on Leadership

Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2022

By Jerika Farley

“Youth is the hope of our future,” such powerful words said by the Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. The youth will soon lead this country to a great future, but of course, to achieve that, our generation is in need of wisdom and guidance. Thus, this webinar offered by Pinas Forward is an opportunity for Gen Z to gain that knowledge.

On April 1, 2022, Pinas Forward together with UST Angelicum College held a webinar titled as ‘Genlit: Kabataang Bayani’. This webinar aimed to inform the youth about leadership, youth vote, and digital citizenship through online training sessions. The zoom meeting enabled students from Junior High school and Senior High school students to listen to different speakers.

Ms. Shaira, from Pinas Forward, hosted the event and started off the webinar by engaging with the students and everyone in the meeting link and explaining what the main topics of the event were.

Topics like ‘Think Before You Speak’ or ‘How to Deal with Fake News’ were discussed. Although the microphone and cameras of the students were disabled, they were still allowed to give out their opinions through the chatbox. “Wag maniwala agad sa mga sabi-sabi”, “Better to check the links if it’s accurate”. Informative messages sent by Senior High school students. (right side of the photo above)

Ms. Shaira was not the only one sharing wisdom with us, Ms. Kris, who is also from Pinas Forward, had something to teach the youth as well.

Despite technical difficulties such as the speakers disconnecting, still the students remained interested and intrigued. It seemed like the Thomasian Angelican learners were honored and thankful for Pinas Forward for this very educational webinar.

