A Cowgirl’s Revenge (Hidden Treasure)

Dramatized Radio
Angelina Jolie Stories
2 min readJul 28, 2017


A Story Dedicated to Angelina Jolie

Click on the Link Below to Hear the Podcast at Spreaker.com

Once upon a time in the western land, there was a cowgirl who had a hidden treasure. Now, I’m not talking about silver & gold where horses and wagons bring heavy loads. I’m talking about someone very close to her heart.

The cowgirl grew up in a town around gambling & drinking & thieves & outlaws. Someone took her treasure and sold him off to the indians. It was a blessing in disguise, and the cowgirl did cry.

Her little boy was her treasure because he was the best thing in the world to her, and the sherrif in town was crooked just like those men that took her treasure away. But one day she took down a riffle from the wall and went after those men to make them crawl.

And since then the cowgirl had been chasing the bad guys like a law woman trying to find her son. She would chase them into the woods and hunt them one by one. Until one day, she found her son, and she had to fight another war to get her son from the indians.

A Cowgirl’s Revenge

