Maleficent is Known to be Several Things

Dramatized Radio
Angelina Jolie Stories
1 min readSep 9, 2017

People may argue about what Maleficent is or who she is. She is known to be several things because of her evil and sorcery. Maleficent is known to be a fairy. When evil took over according to the Disney movie (starring Angelina Jolie) her looks began to change. Some say Maleficent is a witch. She certainly works like one and can be considered as one. Some say that she is the dragon. According to Disney’s cartoon movie, Sleeping Beauty, she turned into a dragon with all the powers of hell.

Some people may say that she is a queen. Maleficent does have a throne according to the movie Maleficent.

So all of the people that argued and said that she was either of the things mentioned, they were all exactly right.

