
Aaron Wintermote
Angels in America
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2019
  1. What is the significance of Roy Cohn’s “I wish I was an octopus” speech?
  2. What is the importance of the intertwining of the real and the imaginary in Harper’s visions?
  3. In what ways do Roy and Prior have similar views on lawsuits?
  4. Why does Harper keep pretending to be pregnant?
  5. Why does an angel statue replace the Angel in the Epilogue?
  6. How is family represented in Angels in America?
  7. Why is Prior’s relationship to the Angel sexual?
  8. What are the implications of the Angel’s message for gay liberation?
  9. What is the significance of Roy’s private stash of AZT?
  10. Why does Kushner have some actors play multiple gender roles?

