Hello Buoyant

#Angels News
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2017

Today, we are pleased to add Buoyant to the #Angels portfolio (now over 50 companies strong!). Buoyant is paving the way for a new category of infrastructure software — the service mesh — which comes at a much needed time when companies move to the cloud, adopt microservices, and find that they have no standard means for facilitating communication between those services. Buoyant is based on the open source project Linkerd which is taking off like wildfire in companies large and small, and you can learn more about it in the team’s own words in their announcement here.

Buoyant was founded by William Morgan and Oliver Gould, two founders we knew well from having worked together at Twitter. Since founding, William and Oliver have built an impressive team with deep experience in the very problems their customers are facing. Furthermore, William and Oliver are thinking about diversity early — both on their employee roster and their cap table — and while it’s no surprise having known them, it’s also worth some public praise.

Great teams, working on big problems, rooted in their own uniquely relevant experiences — these are the types of companies we feel grateful to back. Congrats to the Buoyant team!



#Angels News

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