Brain Potentials Malak El-Siblani

Malak El-Siblani
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2023

You gained so many souls in your journey, choose wisely.

What we allow into our brains, shapes our personality and reshapes our perceptions.

It’s said that the most powerful thing in life is our thoughts.

The brain: the dice that can change any situation. Rolling thoughts and counting the movements are important in determining how much time you need to take each step in the process of evolution.

Half of your beauty is found in your brain. The way you think can change everything. If you think positive you will be able to do things that you had never done before. You can create your comfort zone through your brain.

Being positive is not easy if you’re surrounded with negative energy. You need to understand that negative emotions can destroy your mental health and make you feel bad about things that doesn’t exists.

Never be ashamed of what you do or what you did before. Focus on what matters to your life and put yourself in priority over others. The moment you start feeling peace in your heart it’s the moment you begin getting ready to heal from your traumatic experiences that you have been experiencing for years.

Love your self, you know sometimes you just need to face reality and beats your ego.

Standing in front of your mirror while you’re talking to your inner self makes you feel more powerful than standing in front of strangers to express your thoughts. It’s hard to express your feelings without being controlled by your emotional intelligence.

Your brain will always support your strengthened ability to survive. It controls your body and your actions as well as your senses. The only thing that cannot be controlled by your mind is your soul. That’s why it’s always set to be free.

Understanding the value of your soul’s worth is a key element to your journey in life as well as to your future as you continue to live and learn about the infinite potential you have, you will find yourself in a position of power that will allow you to become more aware and confidently understand what is going through your body.

Focus on what matters most in life. You don’t like your life and you dare to find a better way to live it, you spend your days searching for immortality. Asking yourself if you’re immortal or not. And maybe you’re seeking to learn the secret of life. You want to know about the unknowns. All your hesitations are based on the unconditional truth that is constantly being revealed in your inner circle of existence souls.

Your dearest fears are not there anymore because you are adequate to handle them alone but because you are strong beyond your limitations to get rid of them alone.

You can’t just walk around the devastated world without being a part of it. All what you feel and sense is a part of the world that you are in.

Do good things to get good things.

It’s not a mouth watering it’s a brain shooting, it’s between you and your brain who is standing still, watching over and waiting you to intervene in the matter of your decisions.

You are here to manifest your destiny and seek your own path towards a peaceful future. When you liberates yourself from your dwelling fears, you will liberating your desired destiny too.

When you reach the point where you realize that every person is living a different stage of their lives, you can know exactly that not everyone has the same mental capacity. And not everyone is able to share the same mental and emotional energy inside their space.

It’s just that every one of us is connected to the universe at different levels of intelligence. It’s how we are trained our minds to deal with our environment, how much we are capable to communicate with our inner world and what we’re doing with our bodies to accomplish our missions in order to. to arrive at the right time to our real destination.

You have to focus on your journey. It’s important to be able to be involved in your own adventures that are fulfilling your purpose. It’s all about being inside your comfort zone.

Live in peace with yourself. It’s not easy being unhappy all the time but it’s more important to defend your circle and fight for your future.

Remember that, human nature is set to attract and repel and we reflect too. We attract the attention, we repel the interests and we reflect our values.

What you seek for is seeking for you. You want happiness you got to be happy. If you’re seeking love you got to love yourself first and be in love with everything that surrounds you in order to achieve love.

Sadness is a state of mind that is almost like cancer diagnosis, it attacks your brain with bad intentions, it swallow your heart smoothly and in intentionally causing pain to your body.

You start feeling like you’re alone, unable to control yourself, you can’t breathe and you’re unable to continue your life. You need to shutdown your brain and run away from everything. You think you need help from others but no one can help you in this matter because no one is able to understand what is happening in your body as you do.

You need to relax, calm down, take a deep breath, have a break and focus more. Then with all your energy as a fighter you will win the battle. You will get rid of all the negativity that consumes your energy.

Try to be in a good relationship with yourself, feel free to talk with your body about your feelings in a meaningful manner where you can feel comfortable in sharing your experiences with your self.

Day after day and after a long conversations you got to realise that sadness is just a matter of perspective on what you had attached yourself with in the past.

Your pain is not related to your present situation as much as it relates with your current situation that revealed the bad experience of being under the influence of bad behavior and negative attitudes that had swallowed your entire life.

Pain is inevitable and it will always be there to dominate you at your worst time. Focusing on your mental state will always make your life easier. Keep in mind that nothing stays forever once you believe that you are worth everything and what matter to you the most is always there inside your circle.

Set yourself free and open your senses to life. In order to live you must be free of fear and uncertainty. Go ahead with your dreams and be happy with what you had and what you will achieve in the end. Don’t limit your dreams to your own goals because they are not yours.

Your dreams are the only reality of your existence inside your unconscious mind. It’s where you can control everything unconditionally without fear.

