How To Get List Field Values As Labels Instead Of Keys

Tim Kamanin
Angry at Drupal
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2018

So you have a regular list text field in your entity and instead of keys, you want to get values. How do you do that? Well as usual in Drupal it will be painful 🤕 but possible 🙌:

Here’s a little function that’ll do it for you:

function getValueAsLabels($entity, $field_name) {  // Get allowed values from the field definition.
$allowed_values = $entity->getFieldDefinition($field_name)->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getSetting('allowed_values');

// Go through each value and instead of a key return a label taken from $allowed_values.
return array_map(function($item) use ($allowed_values) {
return ['value' => isset($allowed_values[$item['value']]) ? $allowed_values[$item['value']] : $item['value'] ];
}, $entity->get($field_name)->getValue());

A little bit of crunching and you can now get list field labels as easy as:

getValueAsLabels($node, 'field_list');

May the Force be with you.

