Angry Bitter Woman

Angry Bitter Women
Angry Bitter Women
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2017

I am angry. I am pissed off. I am fed up.

I am angry that as a woman there is an expectation placed on me. An expectation that I must act a certain way. I must not be too dominant nor too shy. I must not be too ugly nor too pretty. I must not be too harsh nor too kind. I must not be too crude nor too conservative. Please do tell me society how I should act, because right now I’m a little confused.

I am angry that because of the way I dress there is an expectation. That a tight dress or short skirt indicates I must be asking for it. That if I own my sexuality, I am seen as a slut. Sleeping with too many people (what number is too high?), means I must have issues. Because a woman who sleeps around, surely can’t enjoy it.

I am pissed off that as a confident, ambitious woman I am seen as too dominant, too bossy, as trying too hard. I am pissed off that no one in the room ever notices the small subconscious things. That as a woman in a company I am automatically seen as the carer, the person to look after the office. I am fed up of the unconscious bias training and courses. How can a 10 minute video fix this problem?

I am fed up of how as women we constantly destroy each other. I am an “angry bitter woman” for starting a conversation about the reality of being a female and told to get “Get back in my box”. Why are women so scared to talk about the reality? The reality that men still see us as objects. As something to be won. Why should I be a prize to be won?

I am fed up of walking into rooms full of men. Of being called a “woman in tech” and a “female entrepreneur”. I am an entrepreneur who happens to be female. I am fed up of women in rooms, talking about “women in tech” but never actually taking action. Of women silently accepting sexual “banter” as the norm. Didn’t you know I am more than just an object?

Enough is enough. Enough of society trying to silence me. Enough of being put into a box.

Because guess what? Boxes are there to be destroyed. Boxes are only temporary.

Angry Bitter Women is about empowerment. It’s about telling women’s’ stories and empowering them to take action. I want women reading this to feel confident, to challenge the status quo and to laugh at how we destroy each other. I want to hear your stories. The moment where you decided enough was enough and stood up.

There is no judgement here. There is no preconceived idea of, how as a woman you should act. Tell us about that time you fucked the wrong guy but loved it. Tell us about that time you told your male colleague to shut the fuck up and listen. Because I am fed up of brushing this under the carpet. Of being too scared or shy to say something. I am here to stand up for the women that have been silenced.

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