The Attacks Against Greta Thunberg Are A Deflect Tactic

And they have to stop

Radhika Tara Kali
Angry Woman
3 min readSep 26, 2019


Picture by Forbes Magazine

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden. She is also a warrior in the making. She called out the powerful and corrupt on their failure to combat the climate crises and she did it in style.

Greta’s speech at UN Climate Action Summit

Instead of applauding the incredible amount of courage it takes to stand up to world leaders and hold them accountable for their failure to protect the planet, instead of starting a productive conversation about climate change, she was dragged by everyone from the common joes, who equated her to Nazis, to the POTUS.

She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! ~POTUS45

The fact that Donald Trump thinks all young girls should be happy and look forward to bright and wonderful futures comes as a shock. I’m sure he didn’t care about the underage girls he molested that were provided to him by Epstein. (Allegedly.)

The attacks against Greta are deflection tactics and I’m not having it.

By relegating her to the Nazi status, the powerful are trying to redirect their focus from her message. They are trying to make a laughingstock of her so that they don’t have to answer the questions she raised.

It is an age-old tactic employed by powerful people against women who raise uncomfortable questions.

I wouldn’t care if they weren’t succeding. But they are. People in comments sections of every platform where this conversation is going on are defending her or launching disparaging remarks against her rather than holding a productive conversation about climate change and the facts of it.

Rather than talking about astronomical internal displacements, refugees fleeing from drowning countries, children walking across massive swaths of barren land for the chance to eat twice a day, rather than talking of the Amazon burning like wet cotton dipped in kerosene, or of the abuse indigenous communities face trying to combat climate change, the capitalistic powerfuls with a few words are trying to turn the focus of the conversation.

The small group of industries that is responsible for more than half of the greenhouse-gas emissions lines the pockets of politicians and other powerful people too well for them to support statements like Greta Thunberg’s.

So they did the whole, girls-should-be-nice-and-quiet thing and forced people to take a stance on that, effectively shifting the focus away from the content of her speech to her gender identity. They don’t want to answer the difficult questions.

It is a coward’s way out if I ever saw one. She’s right. Scientists and corporations have known about climate change since before it was a crisis as it is today. People act like it’s a new thing but it isn’t.

Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist, published his theory that burning fossil fuels would raise the planet’s temperature in 1896. C. D. Keeling proved Arrhenius’s theory in the 1960s.

These misogynistic remarks against her are nothing but a way of deflecting the questions she raised.

They need to stop.

We as a people have to rise above things like gender, ethnicities, nationalities and political associations and talk about climate change. We have to come up with actionable solutions.

We have to start now or we won’t be able to in the future.

People are dying. People are starving to death. Drowning to death. Species are going extinct at an exponential rate. Sea levels are rising. Storms and rains are pillaging some tropical nations while in others the earth cracks with thirst. Forests are burning. Rivers are either drying up or swelling so much that they are drowning people, animals, and crops.

We need to talk about all of that. Not about the gender identity or the age of the person who hammered the point home.





Radhika Tara Kali
Angry Woman

Bisexual. Polyamorous. Cis-woman. Also, I’m Slytherclaw.