What is Angular 2.0?

Chau Nguyen
Angular Architects
Published in
1 min readDec 15, 2015

Greetings my fellow Coders!


  • Front-end Web TypeScript/JavaScript MVC/MVVM/MV* UI framework for SPA (Single Page Applications)
  • Rewrite of version 1.x/not backwards compatible
  • May 2015 Google previewed
  • Version 1 debuted in 2009

Why Use It?

  • Build complex elegant web or hybrid-mobile apps
  • Full-fledged framework as opposed to a small library. Not just the V (View) but also the controller/ViewModel, etc.
  • Routing
  • Binding
  • Many improvements over 1.x, lessons learned to carry over best practices
  • Performance
  • Simplified
  • adheres more to current and future standards
  • Web components
  • Productivity with more promotion/usage of TypeScript, which aids productivity around
  • compile-time checking
  • auto-complete/intellisense
  • tooling support for classes, interfaces

When Not to Use It, Concerns

  • When you need need native apps for squeezing out maximum performance (NativeScript tries to address some of this by building native apps from one JavaScript code-base)
  • SEO may be more complicated (isomorphic/universal nature tries to address this by rending on the server)
  • React may be faster in some scenarios for the view/rendering (Angular 2 is much faster than Angular 1, and close to React with it’s own implementation of the shadow DOM)
  • Size/payload may be larger than some other libraries (libraries and modularity still being optimized at the time of this writing)

Let’s go play with some code!


Originally published at dnafor.net on December 15, 2015.



Chau Nguyen
Angular Architects

Founder of NinjaCodeGen (CRUD code generator) | .NET Architects | CTO of Creative Engineering | iloveuGIFTS | MakeWorkFun! | human, coder, son, brother, husband