You don’t need more time

William Ghelfi
Angular for dads
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2019

So you want to learn Angular, but you just don’t have time.

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash

You could be a dad, or you could be just really busy right now. The fact is, you want to learn Angular and learning Angular takes time. Which you don’t have.

I know, I’ve been there. I’ve been a dad for a little more than a year now and time just vanished into thin air.

That’s why I decided to start this publication. I have just that much time right now, and I’m reasonably good with Angular — having started learning it a couple years ago during the beta — so I know for a fact that Angular is complex e and its learning curve is very steep.

If you follow the official documentation, that is.

The official documentation is for people who have time. You don’t have time.

Over the next weeks, I’ll write down what I know about Angular and I’ll show you how Angular works. I’ll leave the why to the official documentation.
I’ll show you just one way to solve a problem, and I’ll leave the other three or five ways to the official documentation.

Over the next weeks, I’ll show you Angular for dads.

About mothers

Wait, what about mothers?

Hey, I’m a dad. I’ll write to dads. But if you are a mother, chances are you are just as busy or even busier than the average dad so maybe you too will find this publication useful!

