Angular Custom Pipes | Performance Optimization

Custom Pipes in Angular — The Ultimate Guide

How to create custom pipes in Angular, what are pure and impure pipes, and how to use pure pipes to improve an application’s performance.

Kagklis Vasileios
Angular Gems
Published in
7 min readAug 17, 2022


Custom pipes in Angular
Angular logo by Angular PressKit / CC BY 4.0

Pipes in Angular are functions used in component template expressions to transform values into another display format. Angular has several built-in pipes, such as the date pipe, the async pipe, and others. But, if these pipes don’t cover our needs, we can create our own.

In this article, we’re going to study:

  • how to create custom pipes in Angular (manually/using Angular CLI)
  • how to use pipes and pass extra arguments
  • what pure and impure pipes are
  • how to improve performance with pure pipes and memoization

So, let’s get started!

Creating Custom Pipes in Angular

To create a custom pipe we need to follow 3 simple steps:

1. Create a class and decorate it with the @Pipe decorator. The decorator must include the name we are going to use to call the pipe.

