Creatively Decouple ngOnChanges

A nicer way to subscribe to property changes.

Siyang Kern Zhao
Angular In Depth
3 min readJan 7, 2019


Photo by Peder Cho on Unsplash

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When it comes to subscribing to property changes in Angular, I think most people would immediately think of thengOnChanges lifecycle hook. A typical example looks like this:

ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes.key1) {
console.log(`key1 is changed from ${changes.key1.previousValue} to ${changes.key1.currentValue}`);
if (changes.key2) {
console.log(`key2 is changed from ${changes.key2.previousValue} to ${changes.key2.currentValue}`);
// ...

Personally, I am NOT a big fan of ngOnChanges for the following reasons:

  1. It combines change detection of ALL input properties into one ngOnChanges hook function. And then we need to separate those properties with an if statement making it less readable especially when there are many properties to be watched.
  2. The interface of SimpleChanges accepts any string as its key, making it possible for typos. For example, changes.typo_key will not be complained about by the TypeScript compiler.
  3. SimpleChange.previousValue and SimpleChange.currentValue are typed to any instead of the desired property type.
export interface SimpleChanges {
[propName: string]: SimpleChange;

A slightly better way (Not my favorite yet)

I have seen a common alternative to ngOnChanges, which is to use a setter function. It looks like this:

export class AppComponent {
private _title: string;

set title(value: string) {
this._title = value;
console.log(`title is changed to ${value}`);

get title(): string {
return this._title;


  1. This decouples the different properties. The setter function (on-change hook) is located together with @Input() for better readability.


  1. A “private” ghost property _title needs to be created. Furthermore, it is not really “private” as _title is still accessible and changeable anywhere inside the component, which is not what we really want. What we wanted is that the title can only be read/written though getter/setter functions. But, this is not enforced.
  2. Lengthy code: I just want to subscribe to title change, why do I have to bother introducing _title and a getter function.

Decorator to the rescue (My favorite)

I am a big fan of TypeScript decorators. They allow us to do a lot of meta-programming nicely.


export class AppComponent {
@OnChange<string>(function (value, simpleChange) {
console.log(`title is changed to: ${value}`);
title: string;

How to implement OnChange

// This is different from Angular's SimpleChange as it adds generic type T
export interface
SimpleChange<T> {
firstChange: boolean;
previousValue: T;
currentValue: T;
isFirstChange: () => boolean;
export function OnChange<T = any>(callback: (value: T, simpleChange?: SimpleChange<T>) => void) {
const cachedValueKey = Symbol();
const isFirstChangeKey = Symbol();
return (target: any, key: PropertyKey) => {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
set: function (value) {
// change status of "isFirstChange"
if (this[isFirstChangeKey] === undefined) {
this[isFirstChangeKey] = true;
} else {
this[isFirstChangeKey] = false;
// No operation if new value is same as old value
if (!this[isFirstChangeKey] && this[cachedValueKey] === value) {
const oldValue = this[cachedValueKey];
this[cachedValueKey] = value;
const simpleChange: SimpleChange<T> = {
firstChange: this[isFirstChangeKey],
previousValue: oldValue,
currentValue: this[cachedValueKey],
isFirstChange: () => this[isFirstChangeKey],
};, this[cachedValueKey], simpleChange);
get: function () {
return this[cachedValueKey];


  1. Intuitive, easy to use, less code, better readability.
  2. As powerful as ngOnChanges since simpleChange is available
  3. Hide _cachedValue from developer, no more “ghost property”.
  4. Better typing. SimpleChange.previousValue is typed to a generic type.
  5. It can also be used with a non-@Input property.
  6. It’s not specific to Angular. So it can be used as long as it’s TypeScript such as React in TypeScript.

Some notes about decorator

The TypeScript decorator is experimental and is bound to change as the specs move along. So, use it with caution.

Try it out

Available in npm

