Dynamically Loading Components with Angular CLI

Chaz Gatian
Angular In Depth
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2018

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This post and the code for it was a team effort, including my teammates Zack Ream, Ryan Kara, Ben Kindle, and Jason Lutz.

The code below was also inspired by the work of George Kalpakas, from PR#18428.

When moving from a multi-page application to a SPA, one of the problems that presents itself is the payload size upon initial load. By default, in an Angular application everything is bundled into one payload, which means as the application grows, so does the time that it takes to load.

The typical way to solve this problem is by utilizing the router to lazy load modules, as is shown in the Angular documentation. This is great when the content has a route, but what about situations where the components are not a part of a separate route?

In this post we will show how to leverage the Angular CLI to split components into their own bundles, which will allow them to only be loaded when needed.

Duping Angular CLI

The Angular CLI, more specifically the @ngtools/webpack package, performs static analysis on an application during build time to locate all the lazy-loaded router paths. As each router path is analyzed Webpack creates a chunk that can then be loaded when route is activated. Contained within this chunk is the ModuleFactory for the given route.

Traditionally, being able to split without utilizing the router has been a difficult task, and is something that’s been requested. We can, however, take advantage of the static analysis and trick Angular CLI into splitting out our component modules, which enables us to dynamically load components.

Let’s dive in to how we can achieve this by creating a dynamic MessageComponent!

Creating our first Dynamic Component

First, we create a folder called “dynamic-modules” to hold our components.

Within here, create another folder called “message”, to hold our MessageComponent. Next, add the following code:

Now we need to create a module that declares this component. We will call this MessageModule.

Note that, in order for a ComponentFactory to be generated, the component must also be added to the module’s entryComponents.

Dynamic Component Manifest

To aid in the consumption of dynamic components, we will create a simple manifest interface which resembles theRoute interface in @angular/router.

The idea here is simple: we will add a new manifest entry for each component we wish to dynamically load.

It’s important that this interface resembles the Route type. When static analysis kicks off during the build process and the ROUTES token is analyzed, @ngtools/webpack will create factories for each path with a configured loadChildren property. Note that the path property can really be any unique string, as long as it doesn’t conflict with an existing route in the application. In addition, componentId is added to uniquely represent the component we wish to load.

Dynamic Component Loader

Next, we will need a module that will be responsible for loading the manifests (for the compiler’s static analysis), and providing a service to locate and retrieve the ComponentFactory objects.

Let’s start by creating a new “dynamic-component-loader” folder to house this code. In this folder, we create a new module called DynamicComponentLoaderModule.

Our module consists of a forRoot() function that accepts the array of DynamicComponentManifest. With this, consumers of the module are now required to provide a list of manifests during bootstrap of the application.

Now we must trick the CLI into parsing this array, as part of its static analysis.

With the DynamicComponentManifest array passed in, we can simply provide it to the ROUTES multi-provider.

Creating an factory locator service

Now, we need to implement the service that can locate and retrieve the compiled ComponentFactoryobjects.

Our service will make use of the SystemJsNgModuleLoader, so add it to the module’s list of providers:

providers: [
{ provide: NgModuleFactoryLoader, useClass: SystemJsNgModuleLoader }]

To make things a bit easier, let’s also create a new InjectionToken to allow our application to read the manifests.

Create the following token:


Then, update DynamicComponentLoaderModule with a new provider that maps the token to the manifests.

We can now create our service, DynamicComponentLoader, making sure to declare it in our module.

In the constructor of this service, we need to inject the DYNAMIC_COMPONENT_MANIFESTS token and the NgModuleFactoryLoader.

Then, create a new public method called getComponentFactory.

This function will, given a componentId, locate the appropriate component module using the manifest array. Then load the module using the NgModuleFactoryLoader, and create a new instance of the module.

However, there’s a problem. We have a moduleRef instance that contains the ComponentFactory we need, but we can only resolve the Component by type.

In order to locate the correct component factory we are going to need the dynamic component modules to specify the default component we wish to create. So we create a convention: each module should specify a token that represents the dynamic component type. That way, when we resolve a module, we can use the Injector to locate this token and thus the appropriate component type.

Start by creating a new InjectionToken:

export const DYNAMIC_COMPONENT = new InjectionToken<any>(‘DYNAMIC_COMPONENT’);

We must go back to the MessageModule and provide this token mapped to the MessageComponent.

We must now update the DynamicComponentLoader service’s getComponentFactory method to now utilize the moduleRef’s injector to locate the token.

Once the token is located we can then call into the ComponentFactoryResolver on the moduleRef find the appropriate ComponentFactory.

Providing the manifest

With the DynamicComponentModule plumbing complete, we can now create a manifest in our AppModule.

Open app.module.ts and create a new manifests object.

We’ve given our component the componentId of “message”. This is the key that will be used to return the matching ComponentFactory. The loadChildren property points to the relative location of the module, much like a lazy-loaded route. The path property can be anything, provided it doesn’t collide with any other existing routes.

Update the AppModule to include our manifests object in the forRoot call of DynamicComponentLoaderModule.

We are now ready to lazy load this component! 🎊

Injecting the component into a template

At this point, we have a service that will give us a direct reference to a ComponentFactory, automatically performing the necessary lazy-loading. All we have to do now is use that factory to create our component, by any means possible (ViewContainerRef, Angular CDK Portals, etc.).

In this case, let’s use a ViewContainerRef.

Add the following element to your `app.component.html` file:

Then, in the app.component.ts file, add the following:

Run the application and click the “Load!” button. Not only does the component load, but if you inspect the network traffic you will see Webpack has created a separate chunk for this component.

Why would you do this?

Now that we have seen how to dynamically load a component, you may be asking yourself: why you would want to do this? There are several scenarios where this could prove useful, but before going through a few, we should first say that this dynamic strategy is not something you should do with all of your components. The overhead required would eventually not be worth the gain you are getting. However, when used appropriately, it could be a nice boost to your application.

The two most obvious use cases would be for large or rarely-used components. In the case of a component with a large payload size, it may be beneficial to let the rest of the application load and save the component’s payload for a later time. In the same vein, if you know that 95% of users are never going to use certain components, these could be great candidates for loading in this dynamic way in order to avoid the initial payload hit.

There are other less obvious cases for dynamically loading content. One such way is a situation solved by the pull request mentioned at the top of this PR for Angular.io. Angular.io has a static HTML page with tags that are dynamically hydrated with the appropriate Angular components when required. The benefit here is that although the page uses a lot of Angular components, the page can load initially with the bare minimum and then incur the payload cost when it is actually required.

Angular.io has a lot of content, but the typical user in a given session will not view it all.

I’m sure there are other use cases, so let us know in the comments how you have used it!

A working demonstration and code can be found here: https://github.com/devboosts/dynamic-component-loader

Deeper learning

For more about dynamic components checkout Max NgWizard’s post on Dynamic Components.

