Introducing Advanced Angular Component Patterns

Translating Kent C. DoddsAdvanced React Component Patterns to Angular

Isaac Mann
Angular In Depth
2 min readJan 4, 2018


Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

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There are a lot of smart developers making amazing products for the web. Unfortunately, we tend to get siloed into groups that are centered on frameworks or development methodologies. These developer tribes are very useful for honing a narrow skill-set and becoming more efficient at troubleshooting the tactical problems of individual bug reports or feature requests, yet they can also create blind spots on a broader, strategic level.

This series of posts is my small attempt to broaden my own view by providing a translation of Kent C. DoddsAdvanced React Patterns in Angular. My goal is to foster learning and sharing rather than criticism. A lot of Kent’s patterns have obvious corollaries in Angular; some do not. For patterns where no direct translation is available, I plan to present the most relevant pattern that accomplishes the same goals.

I also have an Egghead course on this same topic. You can watch me build some of these patterns and explain it as I go.

Watch Advanced Angular Component Patterns.

01 Build a Toggle Component

