Last “early bird” option expires in 2 days — Angular’s change detection mechanism deep dive

Max Koretskyi
Angular In Depth
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2023


The course I’ve been working on for the past two months is now close to being complete content-wise. I still have about 30% to write, but there are already lots of interesting, unique and often surprising chunks of information packed in there. I’m planning to add a bit of workshop-like exercices and playgrounds to each section once the content is fully ready.

In this course on change detection mechanism I offer an extensive explanation of the most essential Angular parts and regularly delve into the framework’s internals. Rather than teaching syntax or rehashing documentation, I focus on fundamental concepts and design patterns for internal mechanisms. The materials in the course are specifically crafted for developers who aim to master the framework and enhance their skills as software engineers. All this is presented with numerous debugging examples and code discovery.

For a limited time, the course was available at an “early-early bird” price of $23, which expired about a month ago. The regular “early bird” option for $49 is about to expire in just two days. After that the price will increase to $79. By taking advantage of this offer, you’ll gain access to the complete “Change Detection” module and all upcoming updates. Additionally, everyone who enrolls will be invited to join a private Discord space.

I’m working hard to raise money for my fellow Ukrainians and will donate 20% of the proceeds from sales to various local NGOs and animal shelters 💛💙. I would be grateful if you could help spread the word about this course so that more people know about it. Also, I want to mention agGrid and Niall personally who’ve helped immenselly with this cause.

Take care and keep learning! 🤓



Max Koretskyi
Angular In Depth

Principal Engineer at . Founder of Big fan of software engineering, Web Platform & JavaScript. Man of Science & Philosophy.