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Release management in Angular with Lerna

Automate component library releases through commit conventions

Michael Karén
Angular In Depth
Published in
10 min readApr 23, 2019


Scenario: We need to release component libraries to npm because we want to consume them inside our Angular applications. We want to be able to release the components independently. Furthermore, we have some dependencies between the libraries.

Does this sound complicated? What if I tell you we want to use Semantic versioning and release multiple commits at once. And of course, we want professional looking changelogs like all the other cool projects. Does this sound too complex to you?

“Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible.” — Alan Kay

In this article, I will show how to release new versions of your code using tools like Lerna and Commitizen. By using commit conventions, we can automate the versioning and get great looking changelogs.



Michael Karén
Angular In Depth

Frontend Architect • JavaScript Enthusiast • Author • ngVikings organizer.