State Management in Angular using Akita

Mohan Ram
Angular In Depth
Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2018
Imagine — Books are the different states of the application managed inside the state management library

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In this article, we’ll explain the state management concept and how Akita helps us to facilitate the data flow in the application by managing it.

A state machine is any device that stores the status of something at a given time and can operate on input to change the status and/or cause an action or output to take place for any given change. — The State Machine

Simply put, it stores the state of any form of data and manages the state transition based on current state and action.

Why State Management is Important?

Web-apps are getting richer and more complex. Managing state is exponentially harder than it used to be.

Different parts of an application have different responsibilities, and those (components, directives, etc.) are segregated across many different files, but they all need to reflect the same underlying state.

A state management library gives you a convenient way to:

  • Model your application state
  • Derive computed values from it
  • Monitor it for changes

It gives us many benefits like handling normalized data (redundant models can be avoided), immutability and organized state transition, time travel ability, etc.

Introduction to Akita

Akita is a state management pattern, built on top of RxJS and based on object-oriented design principles.

Akita encourages simplicity. It saves you the hassle of creating boilerplate code and offers powerful tools with a moderate learning curve, suitable for both experienced and inexperienced developers alike.

Before we dive in, let’s examine Akita’s building blocks:

The Model

The general representation of the data model which the store is going to manage.

The Store

A Store is like a warehouse, where the data model is going to be stored. You can execute all the DML (Data Manipulation Language) with the help of Akita built-in store’s methods like add(), update(), delete() , setActive(), setError(), etc.

The Query

Simply database queries, which helps querying the store. The query results are available in two forms — reactive queries and synchronize queries.

You can run all the DDL (Data Definition Language) with the help of Akita built-in query’s methods like select(), selectAll(), selectEntity(), selectCount(), selectActive(), etc.

Two types of Stores

The Basic Store — when our model doesn’t represent a collection of entities, e.g., session, UI states, etc.

The Entity Store — when we need to maintain a collection of entities e.g., domain model, e.g., employee, student, etc.

Live Demo

Time to Code

We’ll build a student dashboard application with Akita and learn how to create and use both a simple and entity store.

Folder Structure

Here is how Akita recommends structuring the project, for the sake of maintaining modularity and order.

Folder structure for state management

An additional data service is recommended only on enterprise applications.

Note that Akita offers a CLI tool or schematics, enabling you to generate stores based on the specifications quickly.

Let’s continue and create the session state:

Session Store

To maintain the active user, we need to create a session table, i.e., store.

Usually data model and create factory functions are the part of the model file declaration (e.g., session.model.ts) since we use a basic store, we don’t need separate model file instead, we keep our model along with store file.

As mentioned earlier you can see some of the DML operations that are performing as a part of the store.

Let’s create the session query:

The select() methods selects a slice from the store. We can see how we can encapsulate more complex queries inside the Query class, leaving our component unaware of the data source.

The Query class is handling the DDL operations. In the above code, we can see an example of a reactive query like isLoggedIn$ and synchronize query like isLoggedIn().

Let’s visualize the current state with the help of Akita’s dev-tools:

Student Store

Since a Student is a domain model we know that we need to maintain a collection of entities, so the choice of the store here is EntityStore.

We start by defining the Student interface and a factory function that knows how to create a student. We’re using Akita’s guid() method to generate globally unique id.

To create an EntityStore we need to define the store’s interface. In our case, we can make do with extending the EntityState from Akita, providing it with the Student Entity type.

Let’s create the student query:

Let’s create the student service:

Asynchronous logic and update calls should be encapsulated in services.

The components can use StudentService and StudentQuery to handle all the DML and DDL activities needed for the model.

Here’s the final state of the application:

Final state after dashboard is rendered


In short, Akita will help to manage all your data at once place and give you the strong abstraction on handling each operation either DML or DDL operations which we thought to perform on the data.

Use Akita it will make your life easier.

Find the complete code and demo.

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Thanks for Reading! Happy Akita!!!

